Customer Experience, Service & Success

Speedeon Life Event Data added to Audience Attribute Marketplace


Allant Group LLC, a Customer Data Orchestration company, announces the addition of Speedeon life event data to its Audience Attribute Marketplace, giving Allant clients the ability to further improve their first-party data enrichment strategies.

Speedeon data gives Allant Audience Attribute Marketplace users access to best-in-class life event data, including pre-mover, new mover, prenatal, new baby, newly engaged, newly married, and newly single signals for more than 50 million individuals every year.

“We’re thrilled to partner with Allant Group and integrate Speedeon’s robust life event data offerings into the Allant Audience Attribute Marketplace, enhancing the depth and precision of audience targeting for our clients,” says Lindsey Kaiser, Chief Product Officer for Speedeon. “This partnership marks a significant milestone in our commitment to empowering businesses with the most accurate and actionable audience insights available.”

Allant’s Audience Attribute Marketplace is the market’s largest composed data set comprised of 2B+ audience members and 4400+ attributes, all easily accessible in one frictionless environment. As a subscription-based service, users only pay for what they need, further highlighting Allant’s dedication to providing privacy-compliant cookieless solutions at incredible scale. This gives organizations the ability to build more sophisticated buyer personas, improve personalization accuracy, inform more compelling messaging, which drives more effective campaign strategies, all leading to better customer experiences.

Jay Blaker, Allant VP, Data Strategy & Partnerships, added “I am very excited to have Speedeon’s life event data within our Audience Marketplace. Speedeon has always had a great reputation in our space, and for good reason. Their data quality is strong and they are in lock-step with Allant’s approach to enriching insights and value to our customers’ data.”

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