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4 Tactics to build strategic marketing campaigns

(A guide to keeping yourself updated and in league with the customer in the outgrowing martech arena)
content marketing, Customer Intelligence, Customer Data Platform,

Keeping yourself updated on the taxing and fast-paced marketing arena is one complex task. With the arising sun arises a new event that you have to attend every day. Today it is a content marketing tool that your competitor has and you don’t, tomorrow it is another event that you have to attend. Meanwhile, your mailbox is already full with all types of upcoming webinars, seminars, and softwares that your martech stack must-have.  This sometimes develops a slight FOMO to every marketer who starts to spiral in the never-ending martech landscape.  Even though a certain level of FOMO pushes us out of our typical comfort zone and makes us do things differently, we simply cannot always suffice and cover everything that is new to the martech arena.

Consumers are exposed to countless messages from leading brands every day. This means that whether you are a business-to-business (B2B) or business-to-consumer (B2C) marketer, you always have to keep a check on the customer preferences and learn to be at the right place at the right time. This puts a lot of emphasis on crafting your brand campaigns with care so that it not only hits the right audience but also strikes a chord with them. 

Below mentioned are some of the tactics that help you to empower your marketing strategies while staying up to date with the trends. 

  • In rhythm with your audience

Building an ideal customer profile is one of the foremost facets of getting nearer to the contacts. Building an ideal customer profile helps you understand several questions about the customer which are extremely pivotal. This includes:

  • Who are the customers and why they would go-on to like your product?
  • What is it that gauges your customer’s interest?
  • What is their information source?
  • The most appropriate time to send them your collaterals

Along with this, channeling the questions about your list of your competitors and doing a thorough competitor analysis will take you a long way.

2) Set Achievable goals

Setting a realistic goal is very important in the field of marketing. Following which you are required to dig in and build a realistic plan to achieve those to spar your investments from becoming futile. For this, you need to aptly define what your success metrics are. If you still want to take it a notch higher then updating your KPIs post a thorough analysis would be a great way to go about it.

3) Priority and Mindfulness

Reflect on the list of your appointments. Take a backseat and carefully observe all the ways in which you have spent your time while you thought you were replenishing your marketing strategy. Think of every marketing event you attended which was just a waste of time and resources, think of that tool which just does an average job and can be easily ruled out. Think of all the webinars that turned out to be more of spam. 

Post this reflect on the events/happenings that replenished your knowledge and helped you in prioritizing your marketing strategy. This strategy would help you to be mindful of both your existing stack along with vouching for what worked better for you. This will mainly help you to strategize better and connect the dots to the path that your customer desire.

4) Trial and Error to Optimisation

There is always a lesson to be learned from every campaign that did not do well. There are so many insights about each aspect that you can gain from a failed campaign. Whether your subject line was not insightful enough? Whether your content was valuable enough? Which infographic got more attention? Which video marketed better on social media? Whoever said, “Failure is the biggest teacher” has rightfully said so.  

Trying to assess your previous campaigns and even setting up newer campaigns to different elements in terms of channelization and creativity can help you to find out what has resonated with the audience and what has not. This would be like the customer directly talking to you with their needs. 

At the end of the day, analysis is what will take any marketer ahead. Marketing is a field of regular updates and trends which makes us vulnerable to a certain degree of FOMO, But we can always succeed and proceed forthwith streamlined execution and strategizing on how to achieve our goals. 



    Chandrima Samanta
    Content-Editor at MartechCube
    Chandrima is a Content management executive with a flair for creating high quality content irrespective of genre. She believes in crafting stories irrespective of genre and bringing them to a creative form. Prior to working for MartechCube she was a Business Analyst with Capgemini.

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