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In-House Techhub

Top 5 Interactive Content Platforms to work

The WOW factor about Interactive content is active participation and personalization for customers. But why is this the right time to include it in your content strategy and how can you do it?
interactive content platforms

People are attracted to your site when there is an effort in every little bit. Articles, graphs, animated infographics, and other dynamic featured content must be compelling enough for customers to see that effort. Plus, the interactivity makes your content magnanimous in terms of appeal. So, here’s all you need to know about interactive content.

Most content online is static- where you can read or watch and learn. But with interactive content, the customer can actively engage with the content they are reading or watching. It makes the learning experience easier and enhances the customer experience. For example, you are on an investment site, and you want to calculate your SIP amount for the next five years. The whole mess to open a different tab for the calculator isn’t necessary if the SIP calculator is available on the site itself.

An analysis of over 200,000 B2B marketing and sales professionals reveals that digital buyers prefer interactive content. As a result, it has more views, a longer viewing duration, and higher engagement. So, let’s understand all about interactive content in one place-

Why create Interactive content?

  • Increases Engagement

Companies that used interactive content saw a 94% increase in content views compared to companies that used traditional, static content. Relevant and practical insights through your interactive content aid potential customers make better decisions. With limited space to attract information-rich consumers, brands must be creative in capturing their attention. This problem is solved by using interactive content. 

  • Customer Retention and Loyalty

If customers engage with your brand, and like the experience, it is more likely that they will return. Once there is brand admiration, they will be motivated to share their experiences on a positive note with others. This will ensure brand loyalty and customer retention while standing out from your competitors.

  • Customer feedback

There is no assurance if the reader has consumed the content. With interactive content, you can ensure that users have read all of your content. Most importantly, data collection about your audience behaviors, pain points, and needs will be another aspect of using interactive content. It creates sensitive audience data impacting your content marketing strategy as you can use available information to optimize your strategies.

  • Lead generations and conversion rates

Interactive content positively impacts your sales, lead generation, and revenue.

When the content is designed in a visually appealing manner, it evokes emotional response and desire.

It can increase the conversion rate and help your revenue grow.

Types of Interactive Content

There are numerous formats to choose from, and they do not all provide the same benefits or serve the same marketing purposes in the same way. Begin by glancing at some of the most popular tools:

  • Animated Infographics

Infographics help visualize data and are a proven way to build links from relevant publications. However, the truth is that, in most cases, infographics have a low entry barrier. Softwares like Canva create beautiful and informative designs in just a few hours.

  • Surveys

Surveys are a great way to test your consumers’ knowledge and opinions about trending and relevant topics. It’s a low-cost and convenient way to collect large amounts of data. Customers can also provide objective feedback and preferences through surveys. They can also assist with customer targeting and the creation of buyer personas.

  • Quiz and games

Quizzes are amongst the most manageable formats engaging the audience. Quizzes are effective because they are entertaining and often easily shared. They’re a great way to get people to share their results and challenge their friends to do even better.

Games are the ultimate format of interactive content. The best trending example is Wordle for New York Times. However, many marketers complain that they are not budget-friendly.

  • Calculators

Calculators and online tools can be a great way to engage your audience. They aid in generating leads and the development of press links through digital PR. Calculators and tools can be entertaining, educational, and useful, and they are a versatile format that can give you a competitive advantage.

  • Assessments and E-books

Interactive ebooks are a great way to follow up on a particular infographic or blog post. The ideal outcome after accessing general information is for a user to want to learn more and stay informed. With this in mind, the goal of ebooks is to delve deeper into a subject.

That’s how you get started

Inventing newer content pieces for interactive content is not essential. Repurposing what has already worked gets you optimal results. Initially, understanding your audience helps evaluate the kind of interactive tools that will work. Some research about tools that exist in your industry and figuring out where you can stand out should be the initial phase of getting started. 

Start simple. Starting with the basic avoids the fuss for consumers or something that indulges them into knowing more about themselves. Value addition for users guides them towards relevant solutions and case studies.   

Create interactive content with a purpose. The interactivity should stand out for your brand. Make it your USP.  

B2B Interactive content 

Interactive content can take many forms, including videos, calculators, quizzes, and games. If you’ve never done B2B content before, it may appear difficult, but there are simple steps to take to get started. Interactive content for the B2B marketers can give solutions for their biggest work challenges. Calculators have become a go-to resource for many businesses because they allow people to rethink costs without feeling pressured. Same way, diagnostic quizzes are used in understanding pain points and the exact areas of personalization. 

Interactive tools, when used correctly, do more than just generate leads. They qualify them. The crucial data aids in your personalized pitch making the follow-up easy. This way, it moves prospects through the funnel more quickly.

Must-try interactive content platforms

  • Content tools

ContentTools is a platform focusing on lead generation & website traffic. By creating static as well as dynamic content, it achieves an increase in engagement.

In the interactive content section, Contenttools has seven different materials – such as maps, quizzes, calculators, infographics, and landing pages.

  • Thinglink

Thinglink is one of the best-known tools on the market, for its versatility and ease in creating varied interactive content. It allows you to make 360 degrees video and media as if the photos and videos are brought to life. The addition of multiple engagement points to a video gives a unique experience to the user. It increases engagement longevity. 

  • MapMe

MapMe focuses on building interactive maps. You can create an interactive map aligning with your company’s marketing strategy. You can add photos, videos, and 3D buildings, create location categories, and customize the map with colors, shapes, icons, and pictures

  • Ion Interactive

Ion is one of the best tools for creating interactive content with its impressive template library. It is fully customizable and easy to use. There are also different formats for producing interactive content – such as landing pages, white papers, assessments, and lookbooks.

  • Zaption

Zaption is a web application that allows teachers, trainers, and content publishers to use video in an interactive way. To make a “learning tour,” you also add images, text, quizzes, and discussions to private videos as well as videos from YouTube and Vimeo.

And finally…

Anyone looking to increase engagement through relevant, value-added offerings should use interactive content. It is a trend that will continue in the coming years and the world is noticing it already. Digital strategies will improve in quality by producing less content with greater accuracy and impact. 

Happy Reading!

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