Business/Customer Intelligence & Data Science

Business Analytics Agency MOTUS Consumer Insights Appoints New VP

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MOTUS Consumer Insights, a leading business analytics and marketing agency, has appointed Dan Collins as Vice President of Operations. He is the latest in a series of executive-level hires  during a year of rapid expansion. “Throughout 2020, we’ve seen explosive growth across our primary verticals of retail, healthcare and fitness,” said Pete Stipher, President of MOTUS Consumer Insights. “This speaks to MOTUS’s ability to provide winning solutions even in turbulent markets. As VP of Operations, Dan’s wealth of operational experience will guarantee we continue to deliver those solutions at a consistently high level to our clients even as the logistical challenges increase with our growth.”

Before joining MOTUS CI, Mr. Collins served as Chief Operating Officer for CFit Holding Corporations, the ownership group for multi-regional lifestyle chain. In this position, he was responsible for the development and implementation of successful internal operations across the $34 million fitness chain and its 1,200-plus employees. “I’ve found that no matter how rapidly a company grows, ensuring every decision is rooted in taking care of your customers and improving their overall experience is key,” said Collins. “That means making sure every department is working toward the same goal. Priority one will be standardizing cross-department workflows so we maximize efficiency and provide a consistent and quality client experience.”

“What excites me about joining MOTUS CI is that unlike most analytics companies, our analytics platform was built from the ground up by our team,” said Collins. “With proprietary algorithms and access to unparalleled data sets, I believe we’re able to offer services that are true game-changers for our clients across industries.” MOTUS CI prides itself on offering businesses an all-in-one analytics and marketing experience from initial data analysis to marketing campaign deployment. With Mr. Collins in his new role, the company expects its all-in-one customer experience to become even more seamless and comprehensive in scope.

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