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Conversational AI

Conversational AI Leader Satisfi Labs Partners with AEG

Satisfi Labs’ Conversational Virtual Assistant Will Enable Real-Time Communication and Enhanced Fan Experiences for the Kings and LA Galaxy Fans
conversational ai platform

Satisfi Labs, the conversational AI platform for destinations and experiences, is announcing a new partnership today with AEG to integrate virtual assistants for the official apps and websites of the LA Kings and LA Galaxy sports franchises. The multi-year deal, brokered by AEG Global Partnerships, includes making Satisfi Labs an official partner of the LA Galaxy and LA Kings, and will bring an AI-powered virtual assistant to fans visiting the team apps and websites for real-time conversation and enhanced engagement. The addition of the virtual assistant will also directly benefit fans in the future when they return to STAPLES Center and Dignity Health Sports Park to watch the teams play live and in-person.

As an official partner, Satisfi Labs will be woven into the fabric of both the LA Kings’ and LA Galaxy’s team assets. Satisfi Labs creates custom and conversational search engines for destinations and live entertainment experiences. With partnerships across most of the nation’s professional sports leagues, the company has a long track-record of successfully integrating AI and voice assistants for professional sports and venues in order to optimize the fan experience.

“Satisfi Labs’ conversational tools are invaluable to the fan experience,” added Aaron LeValley, senior vice president, business operations and strategy, AEG Sports/LA Kings. “Whether you’re attending an event in-person or watching from the comfort of home, being able to access information about your favorite team in real-time changes the game. We are always looking for partners who have a passion for sports and the fans who support them, and we can’t wait to see what Satisfi Labs has in store for the future.”

“Bringing new technology experiences to the world of live events is something that Satisfi Labs is very passionate about,” said Don White, CEO and co-founder of Satisfi Labs. “As an official partner of AEG starting with the LA Galaxy and LA Kings, we get a chance to support some of our favorite teams while helping their avid fan bases feel even more involved and connected all year long. As the first of many partnerships with beloved teams serving loyal fan communities around the country, we’re looking forward to the start of the 2021 seasons and are thrilled to enrich the fan experience with the help of our technology.”

The new LA Kings and LA Galaxy branded virtual assistants will give fans the opportunity to ask team-related questions and get on-demand answers in return. Fans visiting the team’s apps and websites will gain real-time conversational access to a variety of information including player stats, in-game scores, team standings, and more all year-round. Satisfi’s virtual assistant will also be able to answer fan’s safety-related questions, ticketing inquiries, and will be integral to helping promote a safe and positive experience both at home as well as on the ground when fans eventually return to in-person game days. Satisfi’s AI platform will also allow the teams to better understand fan behaviors and trends, unlocking the full potential of conversational search to improve customer service and offerings.

“We’ve entered into this partnership with Satisfi Labs with the long-term goal of growing and expanding our relationship across the AEG portfolio,” said Josh Veilleux, senior vice president, AEG Global Partnerships. “Satisfi Labs is bringing a branded, AI-powered, virtual assistant to each team, which unlocks a new level of team access for LA Galaxy and LA Kings fans. We look forward to building upon this and evolving the fan experience through technology for many years to come.”

Fans can get a taste of the new AI-powered conversational virtual assistants on the LA Galaxy and LA Kings apps and websites starting this month. For more information about Satisfi Labs, please visit

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