Customer Experience, Service & Success

CX Leader VXI Guatemala Donates for Neglected Children’s Welfare

The $2,500 donation will be used for the repair of the children's garden area.
customer experience services

VXI Global Solutions, LLC., a leader in customer experience (CX) management, donated $2,500.00 to Casa Hogar Nuestra Señora de la Piedad as part of the organization’s ongoing mission to care for neglected children in the region.

VXI was able to raise the said amount from donations across its Guatemala site, which will be used for the repair of the children’s garden area for external activities as well as for food, clothing, education, medical, and psychological services.

“Our success depends on the aid of Guatemalans like you who support us, and with this, we hope to continue moving forward and be able to support more children,” Director for Casa Hogar Nuestra Señora de la Piedad Maria Fernanda Rodriguez said. “We have just recently relocated here and have started to look for help in our community and companies in the country for assistance but we have not found anyone yet until VXI. We and the children feel very blessed and we thank VXI for this generous contribution.”

“The repair of the external activity area means a lot to the children,” VXI Marketing Manager Enrique Hernandez said. “We believe that this gift will allow them to play, exercise, and do outdoor activities in their newly-restored garden.”

“We thank Casa Hogar Nuestra Señora de la Piedad for receiving us, and we hope that this project motivates other communities to help. VXI is honored to have helped add value to the children’s lives and their home in our own way.”

Aside from the financial donation, VXI was also able to provide a moment of enjoyment to the children through conversation and refreshments.

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