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Marketing Automation

Fully Promoted Chooses Keap to Drive Business Growth

Keap Helps Fully Promoted Speed Franchisee Onboarding While Increasing Visibility of Marketing Results and Ensuring Brand Integrity
email automation

Keap, the leader in sales and marketing automation software for small businesses, today announced Fully Promoted (FP) has selected Keap as the preferred sales and marketing automation vendor for its more than 300 franchisees worldwide. Keap’s all-in-one customer relationship management (CRM), email and text marketing, and reporting solutions will enable FP and the small business entrepreneurs running their franchises to work more efficiently by reducing the time to onboard new locations while improving visibility of marketing results and maintaining brand continuity throughout the business.

Franchisors and their affiliates face significant challenges in driving growth using existing, and often disparate, CRM and marketing automation solutions. Enterprise and mid-market software is overly complex for entrepreneurs running individual franchises while low-end email marketing tools make it difficult for centralized teams to roll out and monitor system-wide email and text marketing campaigns. In addition, the use of multiple CRM and marketing platforms by franchisees can make it hard for franchisors to get visibility to results. They need solutions that reduce this chaos and create repeatable, predictable growth.

Keap integrates core acquisition, nurture, and sales tools with an easy-to-use interface that allows franchisors to unify all their affiliates on a single platform, reduce onboarding time for new franchisees by up to 40%, roll out proven sales and marketing campaigns company-wide and standardize results reporting.

“Franchisees are critical for expanding our revenue base and driving awareness of our brand and products into new markets, but one of the most pressing issues we face is building a sales and marketing infrastructure that works for both the corporate teams as well as the individual business owners,” said Tom Kronberger, Director of Vendor Relations, FP. “Keap provides a way to help our franchisees convert more prospects while allowing us to share lead-generating marketing strategies, ensure brand integrity, and get clear line of sight into campaign results.”

With Keap, FP can speed onboarding by easily sharing campaigns along with customizable templates that free franchisees to focus on serving their customers and growing their business. Keap enables FP’s corporate marketing team to design, distribute and publish content and automated email and text follow-up sequences across the entire network, ensuring consistent messaging and branding and simplifying marketing for their franchisees. Comprehensive reporting capabilities within the Keap platform will help FP monitor campaign performance without requiring time consuming reporting from individual owners.

Keap arms FP franchisees with a robust sales and marketing automation solution built specifically for small business. Franchisees can organize lead and client data in one place, enabling them to intelligently segment their audiences, create targeted marketing for their promotional products, and automate follow-up based on prospect and customer behavior to boost sales. By using Keap to improve the effectiveness of their nurture messaging, these entrepreneurs and their dedicated teams can convert more business contacts into sales opportunities, moving prospects more efficiently through the funnel.

“Since we’ve started using Keap, tracking of leads, tasks, and new prospects is easy,” said Garrick Jacobi, Fully Promoted franchisee. “Everything from the project pipeline to the email broadcasting is simple. I use the task tool on an hourly basis to delegate things I need done. With Keap as part of my work toolkit, I’m more organized, have better follow up with my clients, and work smarter.”

Keap will be exhibiting in Booth 249 at Franchise Expo West from March 18-19, 2022 at the Phoenix Convention Center.

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