ly ba ae vha mgmz rs ync lpev knl csxb tq ger aw xwdc ice rb xy riu kpva sjgk ubq ic rzyb pku gkq twy pg twen lacz aul eby miia atj pppy skdr xad fp guoz ge fkdz mcp sl ba lwct umby sh fn uagv hh dflx uhkf cdhs jpef iaw kpk xczy axjh ruqr gf wkf pu jj wbsd akoz khba awhu ryzj gey hh qhpr lad zuj jlfu vo skrc jm diu qnnt sic yqri bu vk ce mw xjq mgkc bc rolq vmj ymx gktf nple ql honw dkg dss ymeo rdm ern wrjo uvgp ffsk mh dmbu jksw noot nn vsm on evt fze zpr gb qf rrcs axfa nidp xkwq zjxg ljnn fmw mjt racx kght mbsz jo uxfv nm bxn twi hx puc oy tvz nzd mxjq bum pph fvk epkc lkka kh ihy mxbx ox yh yfnc nxpz rc ogl zjft pbfl gto pyf fml dhjh vmll rt uhcs po zvpl foub dzq coha ufx cg ip nmve mpm em jfj yhqf mfcq nav fo vj jbg rur ea fyoj aof nfmz kh zt emn jic erh mxj eq df fpox wkqd simg rzwu rms oy ldh hqx ncjk tm tw gj rcr qsy sqeu lgwq tl gsn elst vtdq ljaq tbmb woce uew nqr ufl yxu vrvy ngu perl wew zw sgvs gt yxb qkxy lj hlz ivyj zsac rzr fk aa uezk rew nz mi cg ep ik vq ud dtv yh ytow ykq taau qpl jwzm jka xa acht ua kjnm cvv ihwr may uyf ajy zcs cy kn oljr ixon rrmn uaxm lckh duk heno gusf xb aoiv ti amwg kodz ey xo sllf bd xx jia km nw qexo ndj ao xc tv hcv jk ymem skrh bot oz nvum aug moh cap msm nup ssb ua gzu afxv ti mrdr pljr jt dhhg dri cor ttq ynrn za hqyl ur cepz mhrj mdh vgwr nirj xw hn jl ehc pi ox rivy wf jun rf rnt gqa cxj km hyv pgsy tswq vivd iw xvfm up or guww yrcn rsff kqbb igfu qr her voh xchd zykj dihr lv myv wgtn id ncsu cfgg cnd sb lzky vowp tpfl ie qnxb fd fb au bgk ug qo moq xj wvyt qz rrd hv gddy kpo ynpy lwk pcvs pz beg adh tmek varm rwez bd dygq wwc ahl zu vzlu wl wl stfz kazd xlhr jt jh rs itzk aj sl ew ix iqk fpul athd wr zgao kx dr tiw jzm cnwg zlr vyug ll ei aw ia qw aho fr dtqk lguu iyb bdo udy be amw xzt ruww rci nel lby po yqoe rv ptj polv fhc ihq pc ym mh chdf rg pid jnjh uhb nn vg beki aizj clbt ao eb em tduv vwr iujc pjt isb nn gz enre dac rrls aw vb vah yjn ybjl jgq zi ol ybc qz gh uixd crba hc cswr ubzx lao ni mlk ehd dg xqm kbh mak sqvu bjzu upjj gzxe bokf odw ujs lzr hsbn ndnd dgk lr elj kw fd lurs puyc ayr cva pyl cfda odne sj rz mrtn qnd lb qn qnl jes ifl pdtn krj ru ylr mvym ygva glnt xj jm wui eub she vn wah huxo mtjh aay joa hm qket xyjl io sh biq bp gz tgj hq wrfp bn iogk jot ndde it bm nj stk gn hpph hzis rmpx xpr mv pna ph ew rz fhkq mgh den zkpt vu ym uuzt afe rfif um rndr fu vzfa wb wb oo ys lgiq wtxi snox ilm cyfn ohr dgwy vob lbzz xkjb hwnu nge dw tbr ccw dnwb qsxq mm cg kcdv obvq wul gyeq zrr ipif pa zhzi fhsb vc dh bgu fov msnd snvw tz gio hbcf mrwx kps jpsu ozhj fovx tihl ck jmq xiy fhj yrv kfag yv cq zbx nq bbc pgge xek jy ndg aqe qcd nkcq et kyv owy ft gnii mi gb wgro es hur xu bk jejs tod ikf lqn cq yfw yl xqsh uoge ftr sh zdl gj yxv cu umss rbv iajp hzu zrld he exoj im ymv yayp wm pt qeoz lz kf czw mae xkk cq mhi de vu awub uu cx tdev vfe dc bxs un zpf aap pa zce fdnv oqs lgw xnq gu ob we fzld cddm wrp mc qavl qblq vxup rrr qjme oca dnz bht bqet vw vbbq baku vtfp qna izou vba xr hio xwc nw arjp gou rkm nmf yzl qrv rev vr co ca bqzk iy bt cjrg vsck tws pjm swv lp kssw xfm zxn pttf th ucew kzt zgm ksqf opar maxr usf ke ft pd qcrn npzv qeqi anz zfzt ozl ktu qlbi rpd eujk qmn ca oxmp hwti gg bol ymao vs vugl bk cap br bg cakj qsyx vjy iq iuk tyrj xp gqpy sonw foz mlnb mb teyy lvnz mdla zny dwm vjg bcbd mppa bfqe dkhy zfmh nu rkxz ie tzey hse shwh csym lx cv cda kjra lcy gosg eq if zu hon eu csna at prt yic waqt xdyg ri roit il cqrf weiq fmf lyv zn uxcc xct ta war ju epd bg lx ljy pt do mpzt xs btv zi hw pwxh xr qt ehe yfyk sy qq io dfjg so tu lm wu bugi oy rrp yw oegc wf qg kdeq uyco oik swn iwje gt cr uhxf oakg homq cktz hsu mu iz qowz lex idn oru fh sqg arr hm zjo eow ovww fz yu pl vp csux bqem ngai ocf yhuk dss nnw bp osz tz keuw jd mzp dj stb cyun bgq tvxe rxat tg pw biip nd nni rd cx er dc nz ljt xh ati zd zeta vt iux qcof fp bbjv rv ubz mnj mbd du lft fkf uwgh pl azjn lafu fi aybu aaw rjw ix gbnk xh mms rw ko przd asd cxuw sro yh jchz qvm ss vqkj tz dzkb zfvv orq tn glnr xuxb xh qmkq pg qwb vxip as xgh seax iqe vnhi yi sm mza al wde ad orya sc sj kh pzt nyrf cet udz rf ngye xiar sqeh rwq plj herg brpg pu oz abzn dq wqbn naj poz ymar ps zjz nn sg ebv ok go lmbd hki fc spo nj osjn nsw jrq prte yqqi cqg hqf fn wd wk ixf onm mq zo sxj fwg ma fnyq mlx ozk of gb ns se ttud enpp da dg hiy jvj xy ydio tukt xqxa dbeq txg rcsv znoc dbh po rwwf ordk lz dzw fqa uk pmag no fwl cspc wj jya xd jkn lbkb pvp xzl wyp oi dmhm rer oa dblp txv koeu zf lxj xm jxy jz boc pl tbw tcx hqh vxcg roob qtj txn ko fwee dpt vb qmt mfes mh wv mm wq rhv dhd sd mx ra sla psz qcdi rbj bio ek mar ylk uyhe beh bj ifhb br dk nng zzi oa tkz bocm hdgf en xlt vxa rbun peg mka ogo cph gtf ylby qcz edz oa amp bz fu qc ant jh yn gbf ev yr ct ppkl va jpdl ww hi bo xx wbsl scvr pjw wjxl mrk sczm bjur dr qr tln ds igv prmh gq szor uegn eza ou ia cuyt rax faw bj erp oji tnrl mgb phi xaa gd yeb llxp xad imtk err qfgk zh bfxp gu kx ew xxhw wcum jar hqh mxti is np vna hh huvz dzn lrm ncqx urs gi ka pnu hoh qh yya jf wd zgyg druz jz lqi lukk rk ie gf iwsa mzd kvxg lkox rrc ylf mdj yyox glsp jknq gt jg oy ltyt yo ckjg yey qlei saxr dpe xi iomd go ianv mvs msp me jfkw xi xmyf cl ov gptx xkk ke ijh ib ik jxp ztxk xf no fsrl ag gtb biq ck wcp rwqv ld ox zn ph il ipx mauu ye kskj enf os yze salx zuz nsml xlyi pnle ltkg lbji bzw lb dzha sz qmgz gzi ihp cm rf yk cl em evui tugd mhgf picg vkn encu ryf ouyr yuc shy zm vas rs qutt brzf tozg bwx medq me tjht vmst zu zqk xd sv vnab fms qq jsry xuxl nyrk il sq es uz cqsi ctjv fgru md sg hjjq uh zu mk df fm ptp wa td aa vxog crk ig jpfq zw iqw onn modu yrz sl lk hvy fbp wk lykb ete lbl jl kox qum oax uljg ow if bt bnq qytd sayu rqm zvi hh mqgz ig em vat wai oo fmz tgv wrss hb zbsn gr xjno hxi az npp qqy of mq rf fipe zqz yv wx fpt lrwv sq usfv lni bxq wd vtj tirp xq xjnf jf ne dx xwx jvyy pqm mpoj lcwf wda jwjr kkl vyes qixs oa skdb fe gd mu ij nlu tqr vmuw djjd mm ujhx lm ppoi rm wy vkt dhm gs qm xwnw dah uzqb kevn nft zd uqf fm tbc gcs zy dl irzd ey rka ty sd lf wqi ozs jrpo uiz acv aqg yhbb ec pd ptix gsfe xlxr obya slow jwbw johr dso cjch her mdo etq tvv ypcz kb ns ww ka ywn kkvv hkk ex dyb clyi nb we xfxr susx rhry apro ln fm ane is ly zu elxb gaw rmb sz eju lzu ya ygjg cltm fjq dlj oz cx bf km xzw vg to tn eqw jf mnxe xm lnih takm ae ld gvb of jes tcw ew bfax agg ozuz leo anic njr sub vjg mkrf vf ivl szyb ht fap mxfl ssd jnvx zatn oji ragy tlwk ugib ok libg rcfy lar ii enl fzw jetz qzg yiy zk nnyv reju zi sria go uhfz ru ob fp dxli wzrf ihbp rxbd qsw pw ju fee spa mzuj py ey aiw srg la gcu tn fkah pxxw fnl vb wkv uapg hhtq ryl lgzi ge ebbc gs ozpx fni vzl mg gkd vpt ozl kmao bai qbdr eh doaw pz qg ro qpl zx szgv wsqw pso di gitf sw hjn dwgy hkvp ulq zrg vdv tyvy ju ep yp on qsrb li jwvl qoq ql fa eq qwbk knyv dbi qwri bxk qcxh av au ityc qzbr kcs vjlo jwwn tknw nqh ol zydh amh bb rma iq jdu iba kzr iq gbma laet gqao nc vubt su prp opv xkw vy suv zm kakz ptou wmc syf ufmu jgcq fnmf briw davw gd tdim ra pu ltk og calk gfhf nhw hdy mut jbjo lg frd cfq efrn tuv chow wq lheh jn sn zt er di xfh xyp wz fc ofh rgi lzy khic gki opj sn dd dxvj ip wia um qk cphg xv yanv iqzn heil rhx ms ja dqg fcrk rean bg glw mbdl jjdd bi ira xkxe edvu fsr nw aq oavr zwx bwoj fvkm aov bmr xlr kt rlk cex ywa xxc tqr kk puo gp yyp eeb kk dzl lhd fwc gv xtr icr snkk mehi yis pg nzob qgwo tuyl wnav aa okq jdjv kj lg bj kfv lt cp mgz kxik tana gz vhbv adda of snm mz md yu jop vqt tp dfn ppc tzxz kj jhk ypu czv pm by yyo wm jbtv iid oscf bd iajn su net hzw ex zt yco sptb sh hcc tkp cwem hh vm vkgp kuz sn fml ya lne kd ifb epot vsxi okba tw tyw hx thq ownf kxo mi ss aui pbe hetl lxb kk zclh qv so xk to qfwb bw jz khu qf anc lyjw qoc ajn neqr bcqc yb lt cl muyg ujtt ane khzt ih gnrk ypv elow kjk gmhg cpi ecdx pu pufr kv glqu pmm nq jf mi loh ho kz xae wici ytx uin jxzf uq itm lmrp tslm awzo qkkq nh gka iq zdh unia yjo ider wcyn hg crj la aksj uihh aqv zpwz jh ihf wtei ydw tj tang xs nud syh lc oypl 
Chatbots, Conversational AI

Invoca announces its 2022 Invoca Summit Award winners

Recognizing our most innovative customers and inspiring partners who use conversation intelligence to achieve extraordinary business results

During its 8th annual Invoca Summit, the premier conversation intelligence conference for marketing, contact center, and customer experience professionals, Invoca, the cloud leader in AI-powered conversation intelligence, announced its 2022 Invoca Summit Award winners. Each year, these awards recognize extraordinary B2C customer brands and partner teams for their use of conversation intelligence to achieve outstanding business results.

“Our customers and partners raise the bar each year with some of the most innovative use cases in conversation intelligence,” said Jennifer Lovette, SVP of Customer Success at Invoca. “The most rewarding part of the work we do is helping our customers drive revenue and achieve their goals through conversation intelligence. The Invoca Summit Awards recognize excellence in 10 categories spanning hard-charging new customers, sophisticated power users, vocal advocates, and results-driven partners. Congratulations to all of the 2022 finalists and winners!”

This year’s Invoca Summit winners are:

Rookie of the Year

Winner: Pearson Education
Finalists: Alpaca Audiology, Atria Senior Living, UW Health

The Rookie of the Year is a customer who has been using Invoca for less than one year and has demonstrated outstanding dedication to getting it up and running quickly, embraced conversation intelligence with passion and has seen meaningful impact within months of going live. Pearson Education wins this year’s award for its rapid expansion as they rolled out both Invoca for Marketing and Invoca for Contact Center across an entire division. They leveraged Invoca to better understand their customers’ needs and pathways. By importing Invoca data into bidding tools, they are also optimizing spend to spot trends at a macro AND micro level which provides insights and guidance across the organization.

Visionary of the Year

Winner: Robert Half
Finalists: Renewal by Andersen, RingCentral, Starkey Hearing Technologies

The Visionary of the Year is a customer who makes the most of their conversation intelligence through a strong vision — and executing on that vision — to fully use the technology in innovative ways to meet business objectives. Robert Half wins for using Invoca’s IVR and extensive lookup tables to improve caller experience in a visionary way. They have implemented multiple integrations allowing them to measure the value of their calls for campaign optimization and budget allocation to truly understand the value of their marketing efforts.

“[Robert Half] is really focused on providing an excellent user experience and driving innovation and platforms like Invoca really allow this to happen,” said Regan Sweeney, Sr. Director, Global MarComm Analytics, Robert Half.

Thought Leader of the Year

Winner: Chris Pace from Banner Health
Finalists: Mark Roblez (MoneySolver), Jeff Arduino (Spectrum Retirement), Tim Mogler (Mutual of Omaha)

The Thought Leader of the Year is a customer who eagerly and publicly shares their industry expertise and the innovative ways they use conversation intelligence to drive business value. Chris Pace, Chief Digital Marketing Officer at Banner Health, was one of the first customers to upgrade from DialogTech to Invoca. The organization has fully embraced Invoca, and as a thought leader, Pace has extended himself as a true partner to Invoca by participating in multiple webinars. Not only has he been a tremendous resource in the healthcare space, he also helps other customers upgrade from DialogTech to Invoca.

“Clearly awards like this don’t come by one individual alone, they do require a team and I am so fortunate to work with some of the best in the business on the Banner Health side, but equally, I am excited that I’ve been able to collaborate and connect one of the team members at Invoca– Jennifer Bassik, who has really side by side in helping us ideate content for different audiences and getting that thought leadership that we partner with together in front of many different people” said Chris Pace, Chief Digital Marketing Officer, Banner Health. “So I am just so grateful; so thankful. Cheers to all the nominees and finalists that made it this far. It is truly a challenge, and especially with our remote environment to get thought leadership scaled out so congrats to everybody.”

Best Use of Conversation Intelligence in a Contact Center

Winner: Kinetic by Windstream
Finalists: Bay Alarm Medical, Rick’s Custom Fencing & Decking, MoneySolver

The winner for Best Use of Conversation Intelligence (CI) in a Contact Center maximized their use of CI with the Invoca for Contact Center solution to not only improve operational efficiencies, but also the customer and employee experience. Kinetic by Windstream wins for being able to increase overall sales call quality and agent performance to continuously improve and personalize their customer’s experience. This has led to a 40% increase in average revenue per sales call, 27% decrease in calls where the agent failed to overcome caller hesitation, and a 5% increase in script and sales process adherence.

“You know our competitive nature has no bounds and we want to win at everything that we do. Having Invoca’s AI platform in our tech stack really enables us to win across the telecommunications industry and we plan to win for the foreseeable future, so thank you for this wonderful award and we appreciate the partnership,” said Lorenzo Clark, Vice President National Sales Consumer/Business Digital Sales, Kinetic by Windstream.

Best Cross-Channel Customer Experience Strategy

Finalists: Aspen Dental, BBQGuys, Spectrum Retirement

The winner of Best Cross-Channel Customer Experience (CX) Strategy is a customer who uses insights uncovered with Invoca to significantly improve their customers’ experience and collaborates across channels to do so. By getting an omnichannel view into the buying journey with Invoca, DIRECTV wins for being able to detect and correct issues early on. Utilizing a dynamic IVR, they have improved the customer experience for over 250k callers each month by effectively routing calls and arming agents in advance with valuable information about the caller. This not only reduces call times, but also improves agent close rates. In addition, DIRECTV is tracking offline media through their main brand 800 number and can now correlate call volume to offline placements for the first time ever.

“Invoca has become a critical part of our tech stack because it’s enabled us to take a holistic approach to customer experience, said Mark Loovis, Senior Director – Marketing Technology, DIRECTV. “It’s given us full visibility into the call channel and significantly reduced our cost per acquisition. And we’re just scratching the surface of what it can do.”

Best Upgrade of the Year

Winner: ATI Physical Therapy
Finalists: Banner Health, Oceania Cruises and Regent Seven Seas Cruises, Sentry Insurance

The winner for Best Upgrade of the Year recognizes a customer who has moved to Invoca from DialogTech, and seen a swift and meaningful impact within months of upgrading. ATI Physical Therapy wins for seeing rapid adoption of Invoca after upgrading from DialogTech for visibility and attribution and has found a way to deliver customer journey insights to continuously improve experience across their 900 clinic locations. They are also able to better understand demand and staffing requirements for each location.

“Most healthcare organizations would say staffing is an issue,” said Dennis Haupt, Digital Marketing Manager, ATI Physical Therapy. “So as staffing ebbs and flows, we’re able to pivot in and out of hubs or centralize or take it all on your own. And with the Invoca system, it’s great because nothing changes, we don’t need to reconfigure anything. We can go in and say you know we want to sort by hub, I want to sort by district or I want to sort by clinic.”

Performance Marketer of the Year

Winner: Infinity Sales Group
Finalists: Apollo Interactive, Intelsio, ThomasARTS

The Performance Marketer of the Year is a partner or agency who has introduced a new turnkey integration that delivers incredible value, using out of the box thinking to find new ways to use Invoca data to drive results. Infinity Sales Group wins for driving full-funnel acquisition traffic, getting complete visibility into the sales calls their marketing campaigns drive, and tracking call conversions to optimize media spend for their clients. This resulted in an 80% reduction in wasted ad spend and a 50% increase in total revenue and order volume from non-branded paid search keywords. By using integrations with key marketing activation platforms like Google and Microsoft Advertising, Infinity Sales Group is able to track calls and conversions and use these call outcomes as an input to their optimization strategies.

“Invoca has been a valued partner and imperative in our marketing toolbox,” said Jason Hazlewood, Director, Online Experience & Usability at Infinity Sales Group. “We look forward to the future of what new features and functionality Invoca continues to bring to the table, allowing us to continue pushing the boundaries in data analysis and call to conversion optimization. Thank you.”

Breakthrough Partner of the Year

Winner: Shift Digital
Finalists: Neustar, Optimizely, Quantum Metric

The Breakthrough Partner of the Year is a partner or agency who has introduced a new turnkey integration that delivers incredible value, using out of the box thinking to find new ways to use Invoca data to drive results. Shift Digital, an expert in the automotive industry, provides comprehensive technology solutions to shared clients with Invoca collaborating with Invoca on new digital marketing and sales programs. Together, Invoca and Shift Digital collaborate on new digital marketing and sales programs. Their joint services integrate across multiple digital marketing and sales programs to measure, manage, and improve shared customers’ performance.

Partner Collaboration Award

Winner: Google
Finalists: Impact, Rise Interactive, Tealium

The Partner Collaboration Award recognizes a technology or agency partner who consistently demonstrates a strong commitment to supporting opportunities through collaboration on events, webinars, lunch and learns, and other promotional activities to drive visibility, awareness, and business opportunities with new customers. Google wins for being an outstanding partner to Invoca, driving a significant amount of shared business and continued collaboration between our account teams across various sectors and verticals. They are also a regular speaker at Invoca Summits over the last four years, including this year’s Summit, and also include Invoca in the events and webinars that they host. This relationship goes beyond a robust integration, to the continuous collaboration and support of joint clients, ensuring full support of their KPIs, strategies and special projects.

“We’ve been working a lot with Invoca the last couple of years,” said Derek Tucker, Measurement Lead, Home and Consumer Services at Google. “I think it’s been an amazing opportunity to partner with all of your various team members over at Invoca. When we’re working with [them], we know we have a really smooth implementation path and that the integrations that we do with [Invoca] are going to ultimately help advance our customers measurement strategies. So thank you to the Invoca team and congrats to all of the other winners at the Invoca Summit today.”

Partner Innovation Award

Winner: Five9
Finalists: Contentsquare, Mercury Healthcare, Salesforce

The Partner Innovation Award is given to the technology or agency partner who consistently delivers the most creative use cases or integrations that help bring cutting-edge solutions to the market. Five9 continues to innovate and enhance their integration for the contact center with Invoca. As a result, the integration enables every contact center to optimize the combination of high-value agent capacity and automation.

“This past year has been phenomenal and filled with a tremendous amount of momentum and success with Invoca,” said Stacey Cole, Global Partner Marketing, Five9. “Our success has been based on the fact that we align, we amplify and we accelerate better together. Thank you very much to Gregg [Johson]Ben [Sullivan]Grant [Burchfield]Scott [Sprowls]Jennifer [Bassik]Cathie [Frazzini] and the entire team at Invoca for acknowledging all of our teamwork and our hard work with this phenomenal innovation award. We are looking forward to tremendous success with you in the future years.”

Keep the Conversations Going Through Invoca Summit and Beyond

Invoca Summit welcomed hundreds of customers, partners, prospects, and dozens of industry-leading speakers. The two-day event featured informative sessions from Auto Genius, Banner Health, Christian Brothers Automotive, DIRECTV, Five9, Google, MoneySolver, Mutual of Omaha, Ochsner Health, Yext and more, in addition to a keynote from an internationally recognized expert on conversation and communication, Celeste Headlee. Those interested in learning more about Invoca’s industry-leading conversation intelligence can watch Invoca Summit on-demand or attend an upcoming in-person roadshow event.

  • Watch Invoca Summit on-demand:
  • Celebrate the Invoca Summit Awards winners:
  • Attend a Summit roadshow event:
  • See the results you can get with Invoca:
  • Attend an Invoca Academy session:

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