Email Marketing

L-Soft releases LISTSERV® Maestro 11.0 Email Marketing Software


L-Soft released LISTSERV® Maestro 11.0 today, providing a new and unique capability for people to manage LISTSERV email groups, newsletters and LISTSERV Maestro email marketing campaigns, all in one convenient location.

New Features Include:

• Mandatory unsubscribe URL for easy opt-out and upholding of email marketing best practices

• Hybrid lists (LISTSERV and LISTSERV Maestro) with automatic import to unify communications

• Capability to send targeted and customized messages to existing LISTSERV list subscribers with full tracking and analytics

• Auto-generated plain text part for accessible viewing on all devices

• Personalized landing pages with powerful tracking insights

“Organizations need to keep strengthening their owned communication channels. Email is a powerful technology for connecting organizations with employees, members, customers and stakeholders,” said Outi Tuomaala, L-Soft Executive VP. “LISTSERV Maestro 11.0 is a single platform for all email group communications, supporting discussions to build knowledge, newsletters to keep audiences connected and email marketing with built-in best practices and analytics for outreach and engagement.”

LISTSERV Maestro 11.0 Advantages:

  • Available as both on-premises software and a cloud SaaS on Azure with a dedicated virtual machine, users have the freedom to choose the option that best suits their needs and budget
  • Handles email groups, discussion forums, newsletters, announcements, blogs and email marketing in one unified platform
  • Integrates existing LISTSERV lists (most relevant for existing LISTSERV customers)
  • Offers advanced functionality, such as A/B-split testing, without requiring users to constantly upgrade or pay more for advanced features like automation, unlike other providers with low-cost entry points and restricted features

Key LISTSERV Maestro Benefits:

Time, Money and Hassle Savings:  A Single Solution for All Communication Needs

A Closer Look at Recipients: A Flexible and Easy-to-Use Subscriber Database

Boosted Engagement: In-Depth Tracking, Reporting and Analytics

Easy Collaboration: A Multi-User Platform Tailored to Organizational Needs

Peace of Mind: A Solution that Grows as Needs Expand

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