Display & Programmatic Advertising

Mirror Edge: Programmatic Reach with Cultural Precision

Mirror Edge

Mirror Digital, a leading diverse and multicultural media company, proudly introduces Mirror Edge, a groundbreaking programmatic advertising platform tailored to diverse audiences. Mirror Edge sets a new standard for precision targeting and campaign performance optimization while prioritizing user privacy with its cookieless approach.

“In launching Mirror Edge, we’re transforming how advertisers engage with diverse communities by revolutionizing the essence of culture-centric advertising. Our programmatic audience is carefully cultivated with a blend of first and second-party data, ensuring genuine connections with Black, Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (AANHPI), Latine, and LGBTQIA+ communities,” says Armando Aguilar, VP of Programmatic Operations.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Culture-Centric PMPs: Mirror Edge leverages AI and Machine Learning technology to curate culturally relevant Private Marketplace Deals (PMPs) tailored to our diverse audience segments, ensuring authentic resonance with our communities. From Black culture to AANHPI heritage, Latine traditions, and LGBTQIA+ pride, our platform ensures messages resonate to ensure maximum reach, relevance, and impact.

  • Diverse Audience Focus: Mirror Edge is a programmatic solution that prioritizes culture and diversity in every aspect of our platform. We go beyond traditional demographic targeting to focus on cultural identity, affinity, and shared experience. Advertisers can tap into demographic, behavioral, contextual, and cultural identity targeting to ensure that messages resonate authentically with the intended audience.

  • Optimized Campaign Performance: Our advanced AI algorithms and Machine Learning technology optimize in real-time to ensure our clients always reach the best-performing audiences on the best-performing inventory. With the ability to be optimized both from the SSP and DSP side, our PMPs align supply and demand side technologies to enhance targeting precision and campaign performance. We curate culturally relevant PMPs to enhance ad campaign effectiveness, leading to better engagement, conversions, and lower costs per acquisition. Advertisers can expect effective results with these next-generation precision targeting capabilities.

  • Comprehensive Campaign Visibility: By managing campaigns directly from their own DSP, clients have complete control and transparency throughout the process.

“Mirror Edge is a programmatic platform that aligns with our commitment to tapping the most advanced advertising technology to facilitate effective connection to diverse audiences. By prioritizing culture and identity in our targeting strategies and emphasizing user privacy with our cookieless approach, we empower our advertising partners to engage authentically with diverse audiences, driving real impact and results,” says Sheila Marmon, Founder and CEO of Mirror Digital.

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