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Customer Engagement

RadiantGraph announced two new appointments

  • Dr. Geeta Nayyar, known as “Dr. G,” brings extensive global health leadership, focusing on advancing consumer outcomes at the intersection of medicine, technology, and business

  • The announcement follows RadiantGraph’s successful launch and is as a strong signal of the company’s momentum in the development of a cutting edge healthcare AI

  • RadiantGraph serves as an example of how to enable healthcare companies to leverage AI to deliver outcomes by meeting patient needs and driving engagement

RadiantGraph, the healthcare personalization platform using machine learning and artificial intelligence to drive consumer engagement for health plans and healthcare service organizations, today announced the appointment of Geeta Nayyar, MD, MBA, a globally recognized leader, technologist, and bestselling author, as the company’s first Chief Medical Officer, and Kirk Goodman, business development strategist, and Wheel and BCG alum, as Senior Vice President of Commercial. The pair will help accelerate RadiantGraph’s mission of setting the standard for consumer engagement in delivering the personalized, patient-centered communications that are a necessity in today’s tech-forward environment.

Consumers are driving the adoption of technology in healthcare. Since the pandemic, patients have become more engaged in their own healthcare and are eager to leverage advances. However, with so many fragmented sources of information, it’s critical to reach patients with the information they want, where they are. Consumers now demand more from their healthcare providers, with expectations similar to those they have with retailers. Delivering personalized information to consumers is the key to staying connected and ensuring that they take the appropriate actions to manage their health. Healthcare providers need to lead with a digital care first mindset to increase productivity and elevate consumer experience.

“The possibilities for advancement that exist in healthcare technology have never been more real or palpable. AI has the potential to be a force multiplier for consumer health, but it’s critical that any new technology be developed with intentionality and application to better humanity,” said Dr. G. “I saw in RadiantGraph the purposeful development of an advanced AI that was able to bring a human side to technology with the promise of enhancing a healthcare system that is struggling to catch up with how consumers engage and interact.”

Dr. G has seen firsthand the disconnect between consumer communication and healthcare. She has been advocating healthcare personalization, spending much of the past 5+ years working to develop a way to impactfully improve consumer engagement.

RadiantGraph brings personalization to healthcare by using specific AI and machine learning (ML) to translate healthcare data into tailored, actionable consumer healthcare experiences. This enables healthcare companies to attract and engage consumers, meet clinical needs, and drive personalized care. AI has the power to not only improve patient engagement, but to remove a substantial burden from these healthcare companies by providing a tool that allows scalable personalization that isn’t normally feasible without a substantial capital investment, engineering development and training, and growing staff to manage the system.

“The opportunity for AI to deliver a meaningful impact on healthcare is here and now, yet over 80% of the work is outside of the models themselves. I saw RadiantGraph’s deep understanding of both AI models and healthcare as a way to bring validated and scalable platform solutions to clients,” said Kirk Goodman. “With healthcare organizations across the board looking to implement tools to better connect them with consumers, they’re looking for solutions like RadiantGraph to creatively navigate this challenge. We’re enabling our clients to deploy AI much faster so they can see the benefits of personalization in weeks, not years. I’m thrilled to join the team and help transform the potential impact into reality for our clients and industry.”

Healthcare organizations integrate RadiantGraph seamlessly into their product and marketing, with the ability to discover new patterns to drive conversions. Growth-stage clients see positive results after only several months of using RadiantGraph, including a savings in direct technical development expense. RadiantGraph currently provides personalized support across mental health, substance abuse, oncology, chronic conditions, MSK and complex medication needs- supporting multiple facets of the healthcare consumer experience.

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