Optimization, Personalization & Testing

Salesflow.io, Warmly.ai to boost Lead Gen for Sales & Marketing teams

Salesflow.io Partners with Warmly.ai to Supercharge Lead Generation for Sales and Marketing Professionals

Salesflow.io, a leading B2B lead generation software provider, has announced a strategic partnership with Warmly.ai, an AI-powered pipeline acceleration platform.

This collaboration aims to revolutionise the way marketing and sales teams identify and engage prospective leads using LinkedIn, leveraging cutting-edge technology to connect professionals with decision-makers more effectively.

Salesflow.io and Warmly.ai will equip sales and marketing teams with advanced tools, data-driven insights, and personalised recommendations to maximise their outbound outreach efforts. Salesflow.io’s comprehensive sales optimisation platform, combined with Warmly.ai’s AI-fuelled lead intelligence, will enable users to engage potential customers with tailored, impactful messaging at the right time.

Besnik Vrellaku, founder of Salesflow.io, said:

“We are thrilled to partner with Warmly to unlock the full potential of multi-channel workflow combined with website data intent as a powerful sales strategy. This partnership comes at a time when businesses are increasingly relying on digital channels for sales and lead generation.

“By combining our expertise in B2B lead generation with Warmly’s buyer intent data, we can provide marketing and sales specialists with one of the most powerful automation tools for business growth.”

LinkedIn has emerged as a prominent sales channel in recent years due to its ability to provide direct access to decision-makers. A recent internal study by LinkedIn revealed that out of the 774 million LinkedIn users, 65 million are decision-makers, highlighting the platform’s immense potential for sales and marketing professionals.

Max Greenwald CEO of Warmly.ai said: “Salesflow enables sellers to automatically connect and send personalised outreach messages to decision makers on LinkedIn, to begin building the relationship. Then through direct engagement like posting, commenting, liking and sharing posts, companies can naturally build social credibility and generate free advertising to turn prospective decision-makers into buyers.

“78% of LinkedIn social sellers outsell peers who don’t use social media, so when we layer in Warmly’s buyer intent signals on top of Salesflow’s LinkedIn automation, sales teams are able to direct these automated LinkedIn social selling playbooks on companies that are in buy-mode, which is a far more efficient way to generate and convert pipeline than what’s out there today.”

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