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Social Reality to change its name to SRAX

Social reality, a martech company, will formally change its name to SRAX
digital experience platform, Digital Marketing Agency, data management,

SRAX, a digital marketing, and customer data management technology company will formally change its name from its legal name Social Reality to SRAX. The name change is consistent with the organization’s evolution from social media to consumer data management and technology.

CEO and Founder of SRAX, Christopher Miglino said that Changing the name of the organization to SRAX is a symbolic shift to a broader strategy to answer the needs of today’s consumer. While their roots were in social media, today SRAX has focused on building the platform and tools to unlock the power of data. Through BIGtoken they have put data back into the hands of consumers and through their verticals are delivering verified data to brands looking for a competitive edge.

Social Reality, also known as SRAX is a digital marketing and consumer data management technology company. SRAX’s technology opens data to reveal brands core consumers and their characteristics across marketing channels. Through the BIGtoken platform, SRAX has built a consumer-managed data marketplace where people can own and earn from their data thereby giving everyone in the Internet ecosystem choice, transparency, and compensation.

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