In-House Techhub


Along with creative media assets of a company is the gigantic chaos wit which it is linked. This indirectly also affects the end products. Centralization can really help in solving this problem. An efficient central repository helps a great deal to recover and save any asset which can be or might be valuable to the company. 

This is where Digital Asset Management has come into the picture. For understanding Digital Asset management’s role, let us first get to know what is digital asset management.

Digital Asset Management (DAM)  is a business process that helps in organizing, storing and retrieving rich media. Rich media ranges from photos, music, videos, animations, podcasts and other forms of multimedia content.

Let us glance through the top five benefits of Digital Asset Management:


DAM software has multiple benefits. It not only keeps track of fils but also stores embedded information in complete detail, which is inclusive of several detailed information. Metadata is always easily accessible and the metadata fields can be customized in order to apply for necessary permissions in order to access, read, view or modify them.

Better encryption

DAM ensures the protection of files in the storage centers including the channels which they are sent through. The time has come to bid adieu to FTP add watermark in order to encrypt virtual assets.

Controlled access

In case of any added discrepancies and changes, you will know of the changes immediately. A DAM has a predefined security hierarchy with read-only, edit and modification access types. This helps in the secure handling of the file.


In case a change is attempted but for some reason, it has to be reversed, then the DAM ensures that the changes can be reversed. The asset management system saves all the versions of the file which can be easily retrieved at any point in time. 

Connection to other software

In case your company is involved in selling or distributing products, you will want all your assets to be proliferated throughout the product content network. This is why DAM can not only work in a coalition with other PIMS (Product Information Management system) but also enhances the working of the same.


    Chandrima Samanta
    Content-Editor at MartechCube
    Chandrima is a Content management executive with a flair for creating high quality content irrespective of genre. She believes in crafting stories irrespective of genre and bringing them to a creative form. Prior to working for MartechCube she was a Business Analyst with Capgemini.

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