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Top 5 Companies That Gained the Most Through Mobile Marketing

Learn from the facade that brand marketing has created and the state of mobile marketing that is navigating through the seamless martech & display advertising lanes
Mobile Marketing

Mobile devices play an important role in the overall growth of spending on digital marketing globally. With the constant rise in the number of smartphones and tablets users, mobile marketing has turned out to be a primary mode of digital marketing which is both cost-effective and conversion oriented.

With more and more individuals turning to their smartphones for information, the doors have been opened for brands to build mobile marketing campaigns.

Whether it be a vehicle advertisement interrupting an intense Words with Friends game or a coffee cafe ad popping up during a Google search on your smartphone, mobile marketing can be an excellent addition to an integrated marketing campaign, if done correctly.

As per the IAB Mobile Advertising and Revenue report, nearly three-quarters of all Internet time, i.e. 71% is spent on a mobile device. So it’s no wonder that mobile marketing spends in 2019 accounted for two-thirds of the overall digital spend. Google Ads, Facebook, and Unity (in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East) are the top 3 mobile advertising channels when it comes to ROI.

Let’s have a look at the top 5 companies that gained the most through mobile marketing,

  • Samsung

Initially, when Samsung planned about promoting its smartphone, Galaxy S6, they partnered with InMobi to develop interactive advertisements that created a personalized ‘real-time battery identification’ mobile ad unit, which enabled individuals to experience what the company was actually talking about with a relevant demo on their smartphone.

After realizing how important battery life is to most people, they created an expandable interstitial ad to demonstrate the super-fast charging capability of this phone by reaching out to existing customers with an aim to get them to upgrade to the S6 as well as to attract non-Samsung users.

With moment marketing, Samsung captured customers at the moment when they most required this charging capability and their call-to-action (CTA) button that stated “Experience” gave users a personalized ad and relevant demo on the new Samsung S6 phone.

This campaign resulted in 1.6% of users tapping on the “Tap to find more” button, 1.1% of users clicking on the “Experience” CTA, and an average of 20 seconds spent on the interstitial ad.

  • Starbucks

One of the most popular coffee cafes known for its rejuvenating lattes and finger-licking scones has leveraged mobile marketing to its benefit in numerous ways. In 2011, Starbucks launched a Mobile Card payment system.  After downloading the Mobile Card application to their smartphone, Starbucks addicts load money onto their card, then visit the nearest Starbucks outlet and have the barista simply scan the barcode on the screen of the phone. With this creative marketing technique, Optimism recognized Starbucks as “a leader in mobile payments, processing over 1 million mobile payments a week”.

  • HBO

HBO implemented a slightly freakish but innovative mobile marketing campaign to promote the True Blood television series. While moviegoers browsed movies on the Flixster or Variety applications, bloody fingerprints popped up wherever they tapped. Dripping blood scoured from the top of the screen and a pop-up to watch a trailer for True Blood on HBO was at the bottom of the ad. As per 60 Second Marketing, this advertisement alone increased viewership by 38%.

  • Burger King

Burger King has never shied away from taking sneers at their competitors. Burger King started a troll campaign utilizing Augmented Reality (AR), where customers could utilize the Burger King application to scan and virtually burn ads of a rival to win a free Whopper burger.

We might have differences in opinion on whether this is indeed the ‘best’ ad campaign or a marketing tactic in poor taste. But it is a clever method to turn your rivals’ media investments to benefit you and create enjoyable experiences for your customers using technology.

  •  Netflix

The leading entertainment service provider with more than 195 million paid subscribers worldwide, Netflix, won the Drum Mobile Award for the category “most innovative use of mobile.”  The company captured the attention of viewers by creating a super realistic advertising experience that was haunting as well as adventurous.

In the marketing campaign, Netflix mimicked the fear that people experienced after watching an episode of the popular techno-paranoia drama series Black Mirror. The mobile screen of the viewers resembled a broken piece of glass as though they were living in the show. The ad was an instant hit and Netflix was able to capture the attention of new as well as previous Black Mirror viewers.

Closing Lines

It is challenging for a marketing campaign to stand out among the multitude of mobile marketing campaigns launched every day. Mobile marketing is the current hope for the entire marketing and advertising industry. The money spent by marketers and advertisers on mobile is way higher than any other digital marketing and advertising platform, so if you wish to reach the Millennial and Gen Z audiences, then mobile marketing should be your preferred platform for marketing

Successful mobile marketing takes time to build, design, and execute.

These brands have done it just perfectly right.

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    Chandrima Samanta
    Content-Editor at MartechCube
    Chandrima is a Content management executive with a flair for creating high quality content irrespective of genre. She believes in crafting stories irrespective of genre and bringing them to a creative form. Prior to working for MartechCube she was a Business Analyst with Capgemini.

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