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Yext Announces Winners of the 2018 Explorer Awards

The Yext Explorer Awards Honor Those Defining the Future of Digital Knowledge Management
Search Engine Optimization

Yext, Inc. (NYSE: YEXT), the leader in Digital Knowledge Management (DKM), announced the winners of the second-annual Explorer Awards, which will be presented at its ONWARD18 annual conference in New York City. The Yext Explorer Awards honor the companies and people defining the future of Digital Knowledge Management — the growing field that puts businesses in control over their brand experiences across the digital universe of maps, apps, search engines, voice assistants, and other AI-powered services.

“Congratulations to all our winners leading the way to a world of perfect information everywhere,” said Jeffrey K. Rohrs, Chief Marketing Officer at Yext. “We’re proud to recognize these industry leaders and the innovative ways they are deploying DKM to drive value and deliver exceptional brand experiences across the digital ecosystem.”

This year’s award winners are:

The Digital Knowledge Management Pioneer is a long-time Yext client working at the bleeding edge of DKM and an industry leader whose belief in the Yext vision has helped shape the platform.

Winner: Allstate Insurance Company is an early adopter of Digital Knowledge Management and new marketing technologies. Their consistent innovation in DKM is helping to shape the field and improve their customer experience.

The Discovery Award winner has used the Yext Knowledge Engine to optimize local discovery of their brand, locations, products, and professionals in measurable and innovative ways.

Winner: Bass Pro Shops built an integration with Yext that allows the brand to automatically locate their website visitors and serve them local store information and targeted, relevant content.

The Efficiency Award winner has leveraged Yext products to achieve significant efficiencies in order to do better work and consolidate resources, saving time and money that are reinvested in innovative marketing strategies.

Winner: Enterprise Holdings, Inc., uses Yext to manage digital knowledge for thousands of locations across the globe and across multiple brands, seeing significant time savings in both listings management and brand updates throughout the digital ecosystem.

The Customer Experience Award winner delivers an exceptional, seamless brand experience by monitoring, responding to, and engaging with customer reviews.

Winner: Northwestern Medicine brought their customer review monitoring in-house with Yext, which improved cross-departmental collaboration to address customer needs and increased their review response rate 3x across Facebook, Google, and Yelp.

The Agency Partner of the Year takes a big picture view of the rapidly evolving universe of marketing, leveraging Digital Knowledge Management to prepare its clients for the AI-powered future.

Winner: Reprise, a long-time partner, includes Yext services in their overall agency offering, delivering exceptional DKM strategies across verticals, from financial services to government to retail.

The U.S. Partner of the Year breaks new ground by bringing the value of Digital Knowledge Management to its customers in fresh ways. Through technical innovation and ingenuity, this partner has created an offering that delivers unique business value.

Winner: RevLocal has been a Yext partner since 2013. Their dedicated team supports small business and franchise customers in managing their digital knowledge and staying on the leading edge of DKM.

The International Partner of the Year has been instrumental in leveraging Digital Knowledge Management around the world to help its customers get discovered.

Winner: Sellwerk Advantago was Yext’s first international partner, and has led the way in bringing the power of DKM to European brands.

The App Directory Partner of the Year has created a breakthrough integration with Yext that connects digital knowledge seamlessly throughout organizations, creating time-saving efficiencies and opportunities for growth.

Winner: TapClicks is a marketing operations and reporting platform that, via the Yext App Directory, provides clients with custom dashboards, deep analytics, rich visualizations, and scalable reporting on their DKM performance.

The Innovative Brand of the Year is an early adopter of new technology, and is trailblazing new types of entities to future-proof their digital brand experience.

Winner: Capital One is an active beta user of new features and was the first client to launch with Yext for Events to increase discoverability of the free events they host to bring new customers into their brick and mortar locations.

The Digital Knowledge Manager of the Year bridges departmental divides to deliver a consistent customer experience across channels and increase brand discoverability on AI-powered services.

Winner: Sarah Karpinski, Farmers Insurance, is leading her digital marketing team to revolutionize how they manage data for their agents and support agents’ digital presence.

The Brand of the Year is delivering consistent and accurate digital knowledge across discovery channels and AI-powered search and services. This brand provides a superior customer experience by being everywhere its customers are.

Winner: Taco Bell has achieved incredible success increasing its visibility in organic AI-powered search and is leveraging its performance metrics to gain deeper insight into its customers’ behavior and experience.

Learn more about Digital Knowledge Management at www.yext.com, and follow Yext on social media for updates on nominations for next year’s Explorer Awards.

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About Yext
Yext, Inc. (NYSE: YEXT) is the leading Digital Knowledge Management (DKM) platform. Yext’s mission is to give companies control over their brand experiences across the digital universe of maps, apps, search engines, voice assistants, and other intelligent services that drive consumer discovery, decision, and action. Today, thousands of businesses including brands like Taco Bell, Rite Aid, and Steward Health Care use the Yext Knowledge Engine™ to manage their digital knowledge in order to boost brand engagement, drive foot traffic, and increase sales.

Yext has been named a Best Place to Work by Fortune and Great Place to Work® as well as a Best Workplace for Women. Yext is headquartered in New York City with offices in BerlinChicagoDallasGenevaLondonParis, Tyson’s Corner, San FranciscoShanghai, and Tokyo.  For more information, visit www.yext.com.

SOURCE Yext, Inc.
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SOURCE URL: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/yext-announces-winners-of-the-2018-explorer-awards-300735196.html

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