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Customer Engagement

6sense Reaches Milestones for Customer, Company, and Revenue Growth

client engagement

Significant platform expansion, increased charitable giving, and new marquee customers underscore year of growth for the company

6sense, the leading Account Engagement Platform, today announced that it set company records in 2020 for customer, employee, and annual revenue growth. Fueled by a twofold increase in the company’s customer base and a retention rate that exceeds industry benchmarks, 6sense achieved 100% revenue growth for the third year in a row while more than doubling its full-time employee headcount.

6sense leveraged this growth throughout the past year to continue investing in its platform and accelerate delivery against an aggressive product roadmap. Within the past quarter alone, the company launched more than a dozen new features and enhancements, including:

  • Support for Microsoft Dynamics CRM to enable users to build 6sense account segments with Dynamics data
  • Account-based analytics for LinkedIn ad campaigns targeted to 6sense segments via 6sense’s LinkedIn advertising capabilities
  • Segment Performance Reports to enable marketers to analyze changes in account engagement and progression through buying stages
  • Integration with Adobe Launch, Adobe Analytics, and Adobe Target to power A/B testing, web personalization, and custom analytics with 6sense data
  • Custom Talking Points, which enables product marketers to provide guided conversation points for sellers based on buyer intent, role, and fit
  • Deeper integration with Outreach and SalesLoft to enable 6sense users to enroll contacts in shared sequences and team cadences via 6sense orchestration

As the 6sense platform grew in breadth and depth throughout the year, so too did the company’s customer base. Industry leaders like Brightcove, Cognizant, and SYKES became 6sense customers in 2020, demonstrating the company’s continued adoption within the technology industry as well as growth in other verticals like business services. Additionally, 6sense Breakthrough, the company’s annual conference held in December, generated a 10x increase in attendees compared to the 2019 event.

“COVID-19 accelerated the need for data insights and for B2Bs to operationalize around an account-based approach. We took a bold stance 2 years ago to prioritize an engaging, data-driven prospect experience — and thank goodness we did — because it put us in a great position to not only survive but thrive in 2020. We don’t need to rely on trade shows and events to hit our goals. Our sales and marketing teams are able to quickly identify accounts that are in-market and confidently prospect while adding value at every step.”

Latané Conant, Chief Market Officer

The company significantly increased headcount across all areas of the business in 2020, with the largest hiring investments in the product development and customer success departments. 6sense now employs more than 300 full-time employees across three continents, and the company expects to increase headcount by another 50% in 2021.

“The challenges B2B companies faced and overcame in 2020 underscore the capabilities that differentiate solutions in the market. The Dark Funnel of buyer activity is more prominent than ever, and the only way to gain visibility into it is with deep insights into buyer behavioral data. 6sense saw a two-fold increase in our customer base because we continue to provide the superior insights sales and marketing teams need to identify in-market accounts and engage them throughout the entire buyer journey.”

Greg Bell, Head of Product Marketing

6sense also increased its focus on philanthropy in 2020 through its GoodSense program, which directs the company’s charitable giving and employee volunteerism opportunities. 6sense donated to more than 35 charitable organizations throughout the year, including the American Cancer Society, the California Fire Foundation, the New York City Food Bank, and Black Girls Code. The company also donated all proceeds from the book No Forms. No Spam. No Cold Calls., a step-by-step guide for B2B sellers and marketers, published in 2020 by Latané Conant, Chief Market Officer at 6sense.

“The past year has been immensely challenging and rewarding,” said Viral Bajaria, CTO and Co-Founder at 6sense. “I couldn’t be more proud of the energy and dedication of our entire organization to deliver incredible customer results, beat company goals, and keep our culture thriving. When we started 6sense, we always wanted to find a way to give back, and I’m humbled by the opportunity to increase our charitable contributions in 2020 by donating to more than 35 organizations — all chosen by our team members — that make a positive impact on the world.”

2020 was also a record year for 6sense in terms of industry awards and recognition. The company was named the Best Sales Automation Tool and Platform by Digiday; Organization of the Year by Business Intelligence; a Best Workplace by Inc. Magazine; a leader in seven G2 Grid® reports, including Account-Based Advertising; and a leader in The Forrester New Wave™: ABM Platforms, Q2 2020 report, which noted that 6sense has a “comprehensive solution, matched by an aggressive vision, roadmap, and market approach.” The company was also recognized when PTC won SiriusDecisions Program of the Year for its efforts with 6sense, Drift, and People.ai.

To learn more about the 6sense Account Engagement platform, visit 6sense.com.

About 6sense

The 6sense Account Engagement Platform helps B2B organizations achieve predictable revenue growth by putting the power of AI, big data, and machine learning behind every member of the revenue team. Led by Jason Zintak, 6sense uncovers anonymous buying behavior, prioritizes accounts for sales and marketing, and enables them to engage resistant buying teams with personalized, multi-channel, multi-touch campaigns. 6sense helps revenue teams know everything they need to know about their buyers so they can easily do anything needed to generate more opportunities, increase deal size, get into opportunities sooner, and compete and win more often.

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