Tech Marketing is a method of using modern technology as a marketing tool. It has 3 important aspects; the target customer, the marketing roles and the financing of the company. The target customers are again of 3 categories; the consumer, small and medium business (SMB) and the enterprise.
Target Customer of Tech Marketing World
The consumers are any common people who can be interested in buying your product. The best way to target the consumer is to tell a story about the product and market it. The enterprise segment of tech marketing deals with big Fortune 500 companies. These companies have custom requirements and the tech marketing companies should strictly adhere to it. In order to be a successful marketer in the enterprise category, the marketer has to carry out a great deal of qualitative research. The SMBs can be termed as a hybrid of the above 2 categories. They have only one decision maker but are price-sensitive and time-strapped. The biggest challenge for the marketer here is to convince the decision-maker to buy your product.
Types of Roles in Tech Marketing
There are different types of roles which you can acquire in a tech marketing world. A few of them are discussed below.
Product Marketing
It can be termed as the glue between product development and marketing. Here you need to talk to customers, work with the product team and research the market. The product marketer has to prepare all the relevant marketing material when a product is ready to be launched in the market.
Acquisition Marketing
The acquisition marketers create ads, helps in email campaign by including punchy subject lines in the emails and develop short videos for the marketing of the products. Here your role would be to find profitable ways of acquiring customers.
Brand Marketing
As a brand marketer, you have to create awareness about your brand and promote it to the consumers.
Financing of Tech marketing
There are 3 stages of financing in the working of a tech marketing company. The early stage or no-funding stage, the mid-stage when the company is still small and the Pre IPO stage. You need to devise the marketing strategy based on the finances of the company.