CHKMe Organic SEO Agency Helps Local Businesses Thrive

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As businesses suffer from the pandemic-related shutdowns, many local businesses are turning to online marketing to get new customers and keep afloat.

Digital marketing has traditionally been costly and complicated, and local businesses have struggled to incorporate it into their budget. This has left many wondering how they can stay competitive in today’s ‘online only’ economy.

CHKMe Organic SEO Service Agency is providing local business owners with affordable, effective digital marketing services such as website design, online advertisements, social media outreach, and search engine optimization to help small businesses survive and thrive during the pandemic.

According to a digital marketing study, there is a predicted 66% increase in social media content creation during the pandemic, followed by blog content at 57% and video production at 50%. As traditional marketing and advertising spend decreases, digital marketing and advertising spend have been consistently increasing.

Digital marketing, however, presents new challenges for local business owners who are more used to the traditional methods of marketing. In response, entrepreneurs have been turning to agencies that specialize in a digital marketing method called “search engine optimization” (“SEO”).

SEO utilizes various tactics to drive organic traffic to a business’s website and generate more client leads and greater conversions to sales. Website traffic plays a crucial role in business growth. A subset of SEO called local SEO, focuses on increasing the likelihood of people finding a particular business online when they search for businesses and services near them. SEO experts assist business owners in assessing how potential clients make purchase decisions online, improving the business’ online credibility, and making more profit.

SEO can be technical and difficult to do well in a competitive industry. That is why many businesses like law firms, dentistry, and medical offices, home improvement services, and consumer product stores are choosing to rely on SEO service agencies to engage more clients.

Traditionally, SEO service agencies charge large monthly amounts to handle all the components of SEO that are required to boost a website’s appeal and online visibility. Usually, only medium to large-sized companies were able to include SEO services in their marketing budget, leaving small businesses at a great disadvantage.

CHKMe Organic SEO Agency, first established in 2015, has been helping local businesses to have a fair chance at the online business model by offering affordable SEO service packages and local SEO work. From website design and re-design to on-page SEO and link building, the team at CHKMe is able to provide full search engine optimization for businesses of any industry or topic.

Eric, an apparel store owner, witnessed firsthand the benefits of SEO for his business. “Our site audience has increased by 500%, and many families reach out after reading about us online. We don’t pay anything now for Google Ads. People just find our website and then call to order,” says Eric.

Over the past few years, CHKMe has helped clients’ websites to rank first on Google for competitive keywords. Their approach is a combination of classic SEO on-page work, quality content creation such as blog posts, press releases, infographics, and videos, and unique outreach methods such as forum posting, industry-specific surveys, and email marketing.

If you are interested in learning how local SEO can help your business excel, contact the team at CHKMe to schedule a free phone consultation.

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