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Content Marketing

Contentful Announces Business Expansion with New Offices and Senior Hires

Contentful Announces Business Expansion with New Offices and Senior Hires

Contentful, the leading enterprise headless CMS provider, today announced the opening of its new office in San Francisco, which has twice the employee capacity, fueled by rapid business expansion. Contentful’s sustained growth — with enterprise revenue growth continuing to double year over year — also led to a lease agreement this spring with German developer Townscape to double the size of operations in central Berlin in 2020.

Contentful is one of the enterprise SaaS companies on track to become the next unicorn as projected by research firm CB Insights and reported by the New York Times in February. Contentful is also the highest-funded headless CMS provider, backed by the leaders in B2B SaaS. Its recent Series D funding round of $33.5 million was led by Sapphire Ventures, with participation from Salesforce Ventures, OMERS Ventures, and existing backers including General Catalyst, Benchmark, Balderton Capital and Hercules, bringing total funding for Contentful to $78.3 million.

“Our business growth is not only fueled by new customers, but also by the growth of our existing customers who pilot Contentful on a single project or team, and then expand use throughout their organization to manage content across every digital channel,” said Sascha Konietzke, co-founder and CEO of Contentful. “We’re leading an industry shift away from traditional content management systems that lock content into individual websites or apps. The modern approach to content management is content infrastructure, which unifies content in a single hub and deploys it to every digital device, so enterprises can standardize and massively scale their digital properties.”

Currently, Contentful has nearly 225 employees hailing from 46 countries. The larger offices will enable the company to grow to more than 500 in the coming years. In addition to office growth, Contentful is broadening its bench of leaders, adding VP of People Vanessa MacIlwaine, based in San Francisco; and VP of Engineering Jeff Glasson, based in Berlin. Vanessa is a seasoned startup veteran with more than 20 years of experience in human resources, and Jeff specializes in overseeing the delivery of leading-edge software products and technologies for global and Fortune 500 organizations.

Other leadership hires include Alyssa Meritt, Director of Content Operations Strategy; Anna Margareta Richardson, Director of HR EMEA; Ed Blankenship, Group Product Manager for Growth; and Karol Jarkovsky, Group Product Manager for Platform Security and Compliance.

Alyssa is a seasoned strategic services professional who grew Urban Airship’s strategy consultancy from a US pilot program to a profitable global strategic and managed services offering. Anna was previously head of HR for Berlin-based Sociomantic Labs, where she helped the company recruit, retain, on-board and manage top talent. Ed spent nearly 10 years at Microsoft, and serves as a Program Advisor for Heavybit Industries. Karol spent over ten years as the VP of Product as Kentico, and is a veteran of the CMS industry.

Headless CMS has gotten significant market buzz — according to one major research firm, 70 percent of new inquiries on content management systems ask about headless CMS. What’s driving all the growth in the market? “Headless is hot,” CEO Konietzke says. “Companies are moving their technology choices to stacks, not suites. That’s because a stack of services integrated with open APIs give companies the flexibility to assemble best-in-class components, rather than being forced to use an all-in-one suite that is difficult and costly to customize, and isn’t on the leading edge for innovation.” Konietzke added that Contentful’s solution, content infrastructure, takes headless content management further by unifying all content in a single hub and structuring it so it can easily be distributed to any digital platform — things most headless CMSes can’t do.

Additional Information

  • Read the Forrester Wave Report for Web CMS
  • Learn more about Contentful
  • Request a free trial
  • Follow @Contentful on Twitter
  • Explore resources on GitHub

About Contentful

Contentful, the leading enterprise headless CMS provider, offers content infrastructure that enables enterprises to deliver digital products and experiences at greater speed and scale than with a traditional CMS. Contentful unifies content in a single hub, delivers it via APIs to any digital platform, and makes content immediately editable in an intuitive web app. Companies such as Spotify, Urban Outfitters, Red Bull, Jack in the Box, The British Museum, Xoom, Lenovo, Brandless and many others rely on Contentful to author, manage and deliver digital content to any channel or platform. For more information, visit https://www.contentful.com/

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