Content & Experience, Digital Asset Management

Digital Asset Management -the Foundation of Marketing Technology

Digital Asset management

Digital asset management (DAM) is considered the foundation of marketing technology (MarTech). It helps to develop rich media, videos, and pictures to be used in customer engagement. With the help of this tool, you can attract, engage and acquire the audience. DAM enables a constant connection between people, process, and technology.

Marketing Technology (MarTech)
MarTech is the use of digital tools to automate and streamline processes, manage and aggregate data which can ultimately reach the customers more efficiently. MarTech is only possible when various products and systems are able to sync with one another or have some level of automation and process design enablement. Here is a small write-up concerning the functioning of Marketing Technology and the use of Digital asset management in this process.

MarTech Understands the Whole Customer Journey
The integrated MarTech stack enables marketing, IT, operations to understand data of the entire consumer engagement lifecycle. It understands where you have opportunities for improvement and enable you to respond systematically to optimize reliability and efficiency.

Data is the Foundation
Metadata, technology and workflow all affect operations and must be addressed properly. Managing data is the key to optimize the content lifecycle. So, it can be said that data is the key element of digital strategy. When you create an integrated MarTech ecosystem encompassing DAM you can generate revenue, increasing efficiencies, and improve the ability to meet emerging marketing opportunities.

Balance Technology with People and Process
The MarTech stack comprises of the people, process, and the technology. In order to achieve success in this field, you need to balance technology with people and process. Technology is used to transform data into information and then this information can be used as an insight to generate action and meaning.

Use of DAM as a MarTech Strategy
While moving ahead with a MarTech stack strategy you need to keep in mind the people, processes, and technologies which would influence the transformation you desire. DAM can be used efficiently to deliver knowledge and aid you in the cost-saving process of the company.

So, this was all about Marketing Technology and the effective use of Digital Asset Management in the process.

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