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Digital Marketing KPIs for 2021

online marketing

The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown the world at a curveball this time, requiring entire industries to adapt faster than ever before to keep up with consumer needs while working from home offices under uncertain circumstances. The changes have impacted the entire marketing landscape, from the average customer journey to the spike in media consumption.

How Digital Marketing Has Changed Post-Pandemic

  • Digital marketing has changed the effects that can be seen in consumer behavior.

For options to get some food, instead of searching for restaurants closest to our locations, we are searching for delivery or curbside options. Today’s audience is more online than ever before. Online appointments and advertisements are now the norms for many businesses.

  • Zoom calls and online meetings are on the rise while face-to-face personal interactions are on the decline because of the COVID-19 crisis. Consumers are hopping on websites and communicating through the brand’s social media platforms more than ever.
  • Digital marketing is one of the best and most cost-effective methods for businesses to reach their target audiences. Changed behavioral practices such as social distancing are accelerating the use of e-commerce options, forcing traditional businesses and marketing to take a backseat.
  • As interpersonal communication has witnessed a decline, businesses are becoming more reliant on digital tools and other accessories to achieve their goals, that is, Facebook Messenger, live chat on websites, text message marketing, etc.
  • Brands investing in SEO might have seen a decline in revenue when the pandemic just began last year but now it’s reaching new heights.

What Are the Current KPIs That Digital Marketers Must Focus On?

Adjust to the New Normal

Marketers and advertisers need to adjust their messaging for the new way the world operates and will be operating moving forward. This involves keeping in mind new practices such as social distancing, the importance of safety and cleanliness, or convenience by limiting travel and exposure.

You might have noticed that brands are switching up their messaging in response to the present pandemic situation. For example, food delivery brands are now promoting “no contact” options, and airlines are building ads showcasing new protocols to make sure that the travelers are safe.

It is important that your digital marketing messages are still relevant and aligned with the needs, interests, and concerns of your customers. This might require some more creativity. but concentrate on the ways that your brand makes things easier, better, or safer for the masses.

Keep in Touch with Your Customers

At a time when businesses are more worried about generating new leads and customers, the first thing you should do is to touch base with your existing contacts, through email and other channels of communication, such as social media. It’s crucial to communicate with your customers and tell them how your business has been affected, and details on how closures or remote working will affect your ability to help them but you are still there with them in these tough times.

Focus on Re-Building Content Strategy

Another thing marketers should focus more on is to re-build and upgrade content marketing strategy to make it more relevant:

  • Updating any evergreen content blogs to see what is timely and relevant. Maybe popular material can be promoted again or repurposed.
  •  Review present content marketing campaigns and see if they need to be adjusted under the present circumstances.
  • Re-evaluate your key performance indicators, and what goals you want to set for yourself during this outbreak. Often, online marketing serves to drive offline purchasing; You might need to look at different metrics to measure success if your way of doing business has been impacted significantly.
  • Build new assets that work for today’s environment, like new blog articles, e-books, etc.

How Jellyfish Can Help

There are many digital marketing companies around that can help in seamless digital transformation of your business and also help you in building effective and efficient digital marketing infrastructure and strategy, but there are various capabilities of Jellyfish that make it stand out of the crowd.

Jellyfish helps you in driving digital transformation by providing the right technology, digital marketing strategy and training. Choosing the correct technology according to the requirements of an organization and strategy has always been a tough task, and businesses just can’t afford to invest in a technology that is less helpful or productive, so Jellyfish helps businesses in developing a great online marketing strategy and also choose the right and required technology. They are experts in using data and technology to the fullest and build creative and converting digital marketing strategies. They use numerous techniques and platforms to build strategy, extract and analyze data. They put technologies to work that result in an effective digital marketing and advertising campaign.

Moreover, recently Jellyfish has acquired 5 companies to fuel its global expansion and offerings.


In these unprecedented times, market volatility, and across-the-board anxiety, it can be difficult to employ a focused approach. But using digital marketing techniques and taking the help of digital marketing experts can help you remain connected and relevant to your customers, retain your market share, and help you reach new audiences while you weather the storm.

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    Chandrima Samanta
    Content-Editor at MartechCube
    Chandrima is a Content management executive with a flair for creating high quality content irrespective of genre. She believes in crafting stories irrespective of genre and bringing them to a creative form. Prior to working for MartechCube she was a Business Analyst with Capgemini.

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