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Customer Engagement

Emplifi Survey: AI Revolutionizes Content Creation, Saves 50% Time

AI Tools Like Emplifi’s AI Composer and New Collaborative Self Service Boards Are Boosting Productivity, Enhancing Content Performance, and Driving Higher Engagement Across Social Media Platforms

Emplifi, a leading customer engagement platform, has released new findings that highlight the transformative impact artificial intelligence (AI) is having on content creation, with users reporting time savings of up to 50%. This significant reduction in time spent on content creation offers substantial benefits for creators across various industries, allowing them to focus on more strategic tasks.

According to the survey, most users leveraging AI for content creation save up to an hour per piece of content. With a recommended posting frequency of 1–2 times per day per channel, this can add up to as much as 60 hours saved per month. For larger projects, these time savings are even greater, solidifying AI as a key productivity tool for creators.

About 51% of participants reported using AI to automate content creation tasks like generating post captions. Another 38% use it for analyzing trends and generating content ideas, while 29% are leveraging AI for personalizing content and optimizing posting strategies. However, 20% of respondents indicated they do not currently use AI, highlighting an opportunity to promote its time-saving advantages to drive broader adoption.

“As the demand for engaging and timely content continues to rise, AI is becoming an essential tool for content creators across various industries,” Emplifi CMO Susan Ganeshan said. “By streamlining their processes and freeing up more time for creative strategy, AI empowers content creators to focus on what truly matters—crafting impactful messages that resonate with their audiences.”

Emplifi’s AI Composer Drives Efficiency and Engagement

Emplifi’s AI Composer, winner of the 2023 Artificial Intelligence Breakthrough Award, is at the forefront of AI-driven content creation. This innovative tool allows users to efficiently draft, schedule, and publish posts, as well as respond to interactions across social media platforms. Over the past six months, 96% of AI Composer users created posts for Facebook, followed by 85% for Instagram, 77% for X (formerly Twitter), and 70% for LinkedIn. The proportion of posts for which they used AI Composer ranged per network from 8% for TikTok to 23% for Instagram.

Interestingly, Instagram leads in AI Composer usage, despite being a visually oriented platform. This suggests that users are increasingly seeking AI support to craft compelling text to enhance their visual content, underscoring AI’s versatility in content creation.

AI Composer not only saves time but also boosts content performance. Posts created with AI Composer have shown a 5% improvement in overall performance, with the largest increase in engagement seen on Instagram at nearly 9%. The use of AI Composer has seen significant growth in recent months. The number of users publishing posts with the tool increased by 8%, while the number of posts created using AI Composer jumped by 14%. On average, crafting text for a social media post using AI Composer takes just over nine minutes, highlighting its efficiency in streamlining content creation processes.

Enhancing Data Access and Insights with AI-Driven Analytics

Emplifi is expanding its suite of AI-powered tools with the introduction of Collaborative Self-Service Boards for Unified Analytics. This powerful solution enables teams—regardless of their data expertise—to effortlessly access and interpret key business insights. By simply writing a prompt, users can instantly generate custom widgets with the most relevant metrics and visualizations tailored to their needs.

Key Features:

  • Automated Metrics and Visualizations: The tool automatically identifies the most relevant metrics and visualizations, simplifying KPI selection and reducing the time spent on manual data analysis.
  • Empowered Teams: With intuitive AI at its core, the boards allow teams across departments to independently interpret business data, enabling informed decision-making without the need for technical expertise.

“At Emplifi, we are dedicated to equipping our customers with powerful tools that not only streamline their workflows but also maximize efficiency and impact,” Ganeshan said. “Our new Collaborative Self-Service Boards are a game-changer, transforming how teams access and interpret data. By enabling quick, intuitive insights, they empower teams to make smarter decisions faster. This is just one of many AI-driven solutions we offer that help our customers work more strategically, drive meaningful outcomes, and stay ahead in today’s fast-paced digital landscape.”

Poll Methodology: A poll of 1,048 marketers was conducted to assess their use of AI in content creation. Participants were surveyed on how they use AI to automate tasks, generate ideas, and optimize posting strategies, providing insights into AI adoption and its impact on productivity in marketing.

AI Composer Methodology: The analysis included profiles with at least one post created using Emplifi’s AI Composer and users who engaged with the tool within 15 minutes prior to drafting, scheduling, or publishing a post. Users who did not publish posts after using the Composer were excluded.

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