In-House Techhub

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social media marketing agency
In-House Techhub

How to Strategize Your Easter Marketing Amidst COVID-19

While we were busy practicing social distancing and taking precautions, Easter has almost arrived and we are still in the …
business intelligence
In-House Techhub

3 ways in which Visual Search will Change the Way of Marketing

Visual search is an emerging trend in the world of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) which has the …
In-House Techhub

What is Mixed Reality? – A Starter Guide

In today’s digital world, we pretty well know about augmented reality and virtual reality, but there is another reality that …
In-House Techhub

What is NeuroMarketing?

Chances are you might have come across the term neuromarketing many times by now. You might have heard about people …
In-House Techhub

The Rise of Social Media Stories is Changing Social Media Marketing

Over a period of time, visual content has become more powerful than ever on social media. The more we utilize …