“Scalability is certainly extremely important for remarketing. But even with scale, remarketing must be highly relevant and tailored to lead to conversions.”
1. Tell us about your role at Headliner Labs and how you got there?
Headliner was founded by my sister, Caroline, who has an extensive background in e-commerce and marketing. When she began working on it, I was so convinced that she was on to something revolutionary with the idea of leveraging chat channels like Messenger for marketing, so I came to join her!
2. How efficient do you think the Facebook Chatbot approach is for a decentralized customer?
Messenger marketing, and marketing through chat channels in general, is exceptionally efficient and effective for any e-commerce company regardless of structure. Messenger is used by 85% of people in the U.S. between the ages of 18 and 44 to communicate, which in sheer numbers means it’s an essential marketing channel for every brand and retailer.
3. Personalized marketing and preference targeting face a lot of complexities in terms of complex behavioral pattern of disinterested consumers. How do you plan on tackling that in the budding E-Commerce arena?
E-commerce will come to be defined by a brand having a unified, intelligent, AI-infused holistic marketing strategy that will rely on seamless integrations between various marketing tools. We are heading toward a period in which every single person will be an online consumer of some degree, and it’s simply a matter of presenting each individual with the most relevant and personalized marketing that will determine what they buy. In the same way that human salespeople really come to understand the individual needs of their customers and can therefore be super helpful, we use behavioral data to create highly relevant and helpful marketing, leading to unprecedented conversions for direct marketing channels.
4. “Scalability is the solo defining factor in terms of advantageous remarketing”. We would love to hear your views on this statement.
Scalability is certainly extremely important for remarketing. But even with scale, remarketing must be highly relevant and tailored to lead to conversions.
5. Chatbots are lately becoming a part of niche marketing in E-Commerce industry. What do you think would be the next move in redefining tech integrations in the seamlessly expanding universe of E-Commerce?
As e-commerce becomes a dominant form of commerce, it is critical that various MarTech platforms integrate with one another to create a universal customer profile, so that the expanding touchpoints through which a customer can be reached are harmonized and optimized. E-commerce will come to be defined by a brand having a unified, intelligent, AI-infused holistic marketing strategy that will rely on seamless integrations between various marketing tools.
6. How is it like working with Headliner Labs? How do you differentiate Headliner Labs from other companies?
Headliner Labs is truly at the forefront of chat marketing, pioneering what this channel can do for retail companies. It is paving the way for a totally new revenue stream for retail companies, by creating highly relevant one-to-one relationships with customers that are automated and therefore scalable, but also dynamic and interactive. It is truly thrilling to work at the forefront of this emerging capability.
7. What makes the services of Headliner Labs seamless?
Headliner Labs’s tech integration is exceedingly lightweight, on average taking a few minutes to implement. Headliner’s marketing campaigns are plug-and-play and we built templates reflecting best-practices into the platform so it’s incredibly fast for brands to get up and running sending optimized campaigns. Typically, signup and setup takes under an hour!
8. We would love to see a screenshot of your phone’s homepage, so we can see which apps a tech professional like yourself uses.
Sure thing! I use of all of these basically daily, which is pretty nuts:
Dana is the co-founder and COO of Headliner Labs, the leading tech platform in conversational marketing. It enables retail and e-commerce brands to send personalized, automated marketing delivered through chat channels like Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp, generating double the revenue of email marketing and increasing e-comm sales by 20%.
Headliner labs enables brands to connect directly with each individual customer, at scale. The onlychatbot platform designed for retail, from iconic brands to cult faves; Cole Haan, WWD, CFDA,Paramount, NRF, OUAI, Boxycharm, STATE Bags, and dozens of other amazing, innovative companies .
For more information please visit our Website.