Sales Automation, Enablement & Intelligence Launches, New Sales Engagement Platform

New Sales Engagement Platform RevenueGrid unveils its account-specific revenue signals and automated outreach that accelerate sales and maximize return on every customer engagement in a way that CRM and AI alone cannot., a global champion in sales productivity, is announcing RevenueGrid, new Sales Acceleration platform that expands the capabilities of Sales Engagement market and maximizes return on every customer engagement. Through its unique, account-specific revenue signals and automated outreach, the enterprise cloud solution is promised to accelerate sales in a way that CRM and AI alone cannot.

Revenue Signals, a revolutionary system of behind-the-scenes notifications is made to drive every deal forward. Design customizable alerts to engage prospects, seal under-the-radar deals and get informed of trouble areas. This, coupled with powerful team-level analytics and opportunity heatmapping gives sales managers unprecedented opportunities for improvement.

“Sales teams aren’t the same, and software shouldn’t be one size fits all. That’s why we developed Revenue Signals, a system of intelligent, rule-based alerts designed to help you stay focused on what drives your sales forward. Keep every prospect engaged and seal every deal imaginable,” said Vlad Voskresensky, CEO and Co-Founder of “We give you full control over what your Signals do – so that no smallest action is left to chance. It’s you who decides what condition fires off a Signal – your CRM metrics, conversation statistics, AI or a human action. For example, if your business demands it, Signals could alert you if there were no engagements on opportunities valued over 100k in the last x number of days. Or, if an opportunity with a 90% chance of closing had no scheduled meetings. The sky’s truly the limit here.”

This week at Gartner’s CSO & Sales Leader Conference, will unveil RevenueGrid and share its insights at the Revenue Acceleration space with top sales influencers.

RevenueGrid is built upon decades of experience in enterprise-level data capture and analysis. It’s derived from platform – winner of Best Sales Technology of 2019 and a leading sales productivity tool licensed by SAP, Oracle, Microsoft and other CRM leaders.

For more information about RevenueGrid, please visit:

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