Sales Automation, Enablement & Intelligence

Mediafly and ValueSelling Associates Join Forces

Sales Enablement leaders help companies bridge buyer engagement gap with three-pronged value-selling approach: toolset, skillset and mindset
sales automation

Mediafly, a provider of sales enablement technology, content management and advisory services that creates dynamic, interactive, content-driven selling experiences, announced today a partnership with ValueSelling Associates (VSA), the creator of the ValueSelling Framework®, a proven formula for accelerating sales results, to amplify its value selling consulting and tools with comprehensive training. The partnership, bringing together two preeminent names in value-based selling, helps sellers move beyond just quantifying value to better value discovery and storytelling, adopting a value-driven skillset and mindset that guides conversations at every point in the buying journey.

According to a 2021 Hubspot survey, 40 percent of sales leaders missed their target in the remote sales environment of 2020, revealing a clear deficit in sellers’ ability to communicate and quantify value to customers. Lost deals – many of which end in no decision – were found in 38 percent of total purchase cycles as 66% of buyers indicate that presenting a clear ROI business case would significantly influence a purchase decision, but that only 16% of sellers were perceived proficient at meeting this need (a 50 point value gap).  Solving for this, the Mediafly/VSA partnership moves value quantification to the forefront of customer interactions, ensuring sellers are equipped with a symbiotic combination of tools and training. This combination of hard and soft skills enables sellers to engage with value at the right time and with the right stakeholders, elevate value-focused customer conversations and move deals forward more effectively, using a results-driven toolset, a confidence-building skill set and a transformative mindset.

“Through the crisis, buyers are rethinking investment priorities, consolidating vendors and freezing spending. In order to get a purchase approved, every stakeholder must understand the high-priority for change and have a clear picture as to the tangible value of the proposed solution, however, in today’s remote selling world, this has been difficult for sellers to deliver,” said Tom Pisello, Chief Evangelist, Mediafly. “While Mediafly provides essential technology to help sellers quickly, easily and credibly quantify the value of their solution to buyers, they need the skillset and the mindset to better embrace value selling practices and be successful in remote selling environments. That combination of hard and soft skills is the secret sauce to value selling success.”

VSA’s premiere offering, eValueSellingⓇ Fundamentals, seamlessly integrates with Mediafly’s Evolved Selling™ technology, marrying a proven training framework for accelerating sales results, ensuring sales teams can engage, discover and articulate value at the right time and in the right way at every step of the buyer’s journey with powerful buyer-specific insights, content visualization, actionable data and shareable assessment reports.

“Over the past year, we’ve seen many sales organizations pivot toward a “buyer-first” approach. Yet, reps continue to wrestle with articulating the value of their solutions to a buyer,” said Julie Thomas, President and CEO of ValueSelling Associates. “Our partnership with Mediafly enables sales teams to close the value gap. ValueSelling Associates creates a value-based mindset and skillset. Mediafly provides the toolset to quantify and visualize that value. Sales teams now have a powerful way to reinforce the value story throughout the buyer’s journey and demonstrate tangible, business value.”

eValueSelling Fundamentals is currently available via the Mediafly sales enablement platform.

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