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Customer Experience, Service & Success

Oracle Announces Cloud Customer Experience Updates

New sales, service, and marketing innovations help organizations create and nurture loyal customer relationships
customer service experience

To help organizations create dynamic and memorable experiences for their customers, Oracle today announced the latest updates to Oracle Cloud Customer Experience (CX). The latest updates to Oracle Sales, Oracle Service, and Oracle Marketing help organizations accelerate sales cycles, resolve customer service inquiries faster, and develop engaging loyalty programs that can grow customer lifetime value.

“Customers aren’t afraid to walk away after a single bad experience and that reality means organizations have to empower their sales, marketing, and customer service teams with the data they need to make every customer interaction matter,” said Rob Tarkoff, executive vice president and general manager, Oracle Customer Experience. “These new innovations are a testament to our continuous investments in our products and customers to help them sell more, deliver relevant service, and build loyal customer relationships.”

The latest updates within Oracle Customer Experience (CX) include:

New B2B Selling Capabilities: Help sellers improve efficiency and accelerate sales cycles by providing a more prescriptive sales experience and removing tedious data entry tasks.

  • Voice Capabilities: A new digital assistant allows sellers to talk to their CRM system and use voice commands on a mobile device to create follow-up tasks, add an attachment to an account, record an update to an account, and more.
  • Streamlined Quoting: Sellers now have the ability to search, view, and manage complex quotes on one screen via desktop or a mobile device, eliminating the need to toggle between data and screens.
  • Communications Industry: A new Buy application in Digital Experience for Communications helps communication service providers give customers more relevant offers to increase conversion rates. This includes making it easier for customers to buy services via their preferred channels.
  • Actionable User Interface: Data-driven recommendations help sellers save time and focus their efforts on the strongest opportunities.
    • Smart Lists: Help guide sellers on what action to take next by automatically displaying relevant information based on past behavior.
    • Infolets: Enable sellers to quickly accept leads, qualify prospects, rank deals, and create tasks from the home page of their CRM system.
    • Advanced Search Capabilities: Help sellers quickly and easily locate information related to a sales opportunity, territory, account, and quotes. In addition, Favorites allows users to mark records to save for later.

New B2B Service Capabilities: Help customer service agents build stronger relationships with their customers and deliver faster resolutions.

  • Automated Digital Service: Enhanced capabilities enable customer service teams to quickly launch a service digital assistant that can rapidly handle large volumes of complex customer issues. Driven by artificial intelligence, advanced knowledge management, digital assistant, and proactive guidance tools will automate and scale service delivery anytime, anywhere.
  • Intuitive Interface and Data: To simplify agent onboarding and improve productivity, agents will instantly have access to all tools and account information within one intuitive interface.
    • Agent Onboarding: Reduces onboarding time and agent turnover by providing agents with an intuitive console that mimics popular consumer apps.
    • Conversational Feed: Accelerates issue resolution and increases customer trust by presenting agents with critical details on customer interactions from different channels in one unified feed.
    • Holistic Account View: Provides agents with access to all customer data – from across departments ranging from finance and fulfillment to marketing and sales – so they can solve issues without having to transfer the customer to another department.

New Loyalty and Marketing Capabilities: New innovations within Oracle CrowdTwist help marketers increase customer engagement, retention, and lifetime value by providing more personalized offers and in-the-moment experiences.

  • CDP Loyalty Data Flows: New bi-directional data flows between Oracle CrowdTwist and Oracle Unity, Oracle’s customer data platform (CDP), enable marketers to build richer data sets and audience segments that support more personalized offers, content, and campaigns.
  • Households Reward Programs: Help marketers engage a customer’s personal network of friends and family by enabling customers to pool loyalty program points with their “household” to earn rewards faster.
  • Partner Management: Enables marketers to increase engagement in loyalty programs by integrating partner offers that allow loyalty program members to accrue points and earn rewards in new ways.
  • Richer Campaigns Management Integration: Leverages loyalty data from CrowdTwist in Responsys to create more personalized offers in their marketing and loyalty campaigns.
  • Subject Line Optimization and Fatigue Analysis Dashboard: Predicts the best message subject lines to improve open rates and helps marketers minimize opt-outs and recipient fatigue by providing a holistic view of customer engagements.
  • Zoom Integration: Helps marketers deliver, track, and analyze richer virtual events and multi-channel demand generation or nurture programs with new data flows from Zoom to Eloqua.

To learn more about the latest products and see product demos, join Rob Tarkoff live on Wednesday, February 10 at 9 a.m. PT and visit our Innovation Showcase here.

What Customers, Partners, and Analysts are Saying

  • “Our InnerCircle Rewards loyalty program, powered by Oracle CrowdTwist, has helped us tap into our powerful customer base, harness customer engagement, and build brand advocates – leading to strong repeat and referral sales,” said Lisa Erickson, senior director of loyalty and CRM, Sleep Number. “By adopting a loyalty program and surrounding strategy, we’ve been able to engage our valuable Insiders on a frequent basis by providing not only exclusive discounts and rewards but also valuable content to educate on overall health and wellness with sleep at the center.”
  • “As customer preferences rapidly change, brands are focused on providing customer experiences that not only stand out but that build brand loyalty,” said Doug Balut, senior vice president of global alliances, Sprinklr. “Today, brands have multiple customer-facing functions that have to bridge silos and collaborate to deliver a memorable customer experience. Our expanding partnership with Oracle supports our mutual customers by empowering marketers and service professionals with a unified view of customer interactions to deliver personalized and engaging experiences across every digital channel.”
  • “Optimizing the customer experience today is not possible without the mix of real-time contextual customer data and historic customer data that really only resides in back office systems,” said Alan Webber, program vice president of customer experience, IDC. “Oracle’s set of comprehensive capabilities across marketing, sales, service, support, supply chain, and ERP provide the opportunity to integrate both front and back office data to truly enable contextual customer experiences at scale.”

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