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Customer Engagement

Pidj.co Launches Text Messaging Platform for Marketing

Automated and Two-way SMS/MMS Solution Available Online or Through Indirect and White-label Partners
user engagement

Pidj.co, a nationwide provider of business texting services, announced its official launch and the availability of its flagship messaging, marketing and customer engagement platform, which enables businesses to use their existing business phone numbers to connect with customers instantly via automated and two-way text messages on their mobile devices.

Pidj.co is the latest venture for communications industry veterans and business partners Erik Drumm and Jeff Beck, who serve as CEO and President, respectively. The two entrepreneurs own multiple companies and are former owners of YipTel, a Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) provider that sold to Broadvoice in 2018. While at YipTel, the executives added business texting technology from startup Pidj into their lineup and quickly saw the business potential for the new service. Two years later, they decided to buy in as majority owners. Pidj founders Brandon Elwood and Jared Davis remain co-owners and oversee business development and technology, respectively.

“We saw the addition of Erik and Jeff as a big advantage for Pidj,” said Elwood. “Their experience and connections are exactly what we needed to accelerate the growth of our business text messaging company.”

The new company, Pidj.co, is announcing the immediate availability of its business text messaging platform, which gives businesses a way to reach customers where they live – on their mobile devices.

“Texting is changing the way businesses interact with their customers,” said Drumm. “It gives companies the chance to create an instant and personal connection with customers for sales, delivery and support. That’s everything in our digital-first world.”

Pidj.co’s business text messaging platform is ideal for customer notifications, promotions and live interactions, such as:
● Appointment Reminders
● Delivery Tracking
● Customer Surveys
● Marketing Drip Campaigns
● Sales Inquiries
● Customer Support
● More

“Texting is an integral part of successful business communication, customer service and marketing,” said Drumm. “Text messages get read – it’s as simple as that. Texts won’t be ignored, and the data on text messaging proves that out.”

Gartner research shows text messages have, on average, a 98 percent open rate and a 45 percent response rate – all of which are significantly higher than with traditional communications methods using voice calls, voice mail and email.

“Consumers are so used to the convenience of texting, they now expect to be able to text the businesses they work with,” said Beck. “In fact, some businesses are getting texts now and don’t even know it. With the Pidj.co solution, they can quickly text-enable their existing business phone numbers and start interacting with customers today.”

Pidj.co’s business text messaging platform enables texting on an existing landline, VoIP, or toll-free telephone numbers, allowing organizations of all sizes to communicate directly with their customers using an intuitive web-based portal.

Pidj.co Business Text Messaging Platform Capabilities
The platform automates outbound text messages, including:
● Textcasts – Send a broadcast of text messages to a targeted list of contacts.
● Timetexts – Automate texts to be sent at a specific time for reminders and follow-up.
● Series – Schedule texts at predefined intervals to targeted contacts.

The platform also supports inbound text routing, including:
● Pathways – Handle inbound messages with automated responses or actions.
● Live Agent – Engage in two-way text conversations in real time.

“Unlike other texting services, our platform supports Live Agent Routing, which enables businesses to route customer texts to contact center queues just like phone calls,” said Beck. “This includes advanced capabilities like directing texts by skills or departments and monitoring queues and individual interactions.”

The Pidj.co platform also has an open applications programming interface (API) to integrate seamlessly with existing software, such as contact center, shipping, customer relationship management (CRM) and more.

Pidj.co Business Text Messaging Platform Availability
The Pidj.co business text messaging solution is available for self-signup at Pidj.co.

Pidj.co also makes its solution available to authorized indirect sales partners through relationships with national master agents.

“Based on our long history in the channel, both as a partner and as a provider, we understand the value of indirect sales,” said Beck. “Partners are more important than ever in helping businesses to understand, source, deploy and manage technology solutions. Business texting is in high demand and represents a significant opportunity for telecom agents, VARs and marketing companies.”

The company also offers a white-label program for telecom providers, managed services providers, real estate companies, or other partners that want to offer turnkey, branded solutions to their customers.

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