Content Marketing

Skyword Adds Idea Centers to its Content Marketing Platform


Skyword, the leading content creation software and services company, today announces the beta launch of Idea Centers, which offer marketers the ability to source new content ideas from creators across Skyword’s global talent network. With access to more ideas from elite creators and subject matter experts who know what content resonates with their target audiences, brand marketers can optimize the ideation process, improve the quality and originality of their content, and reduce content redundancy.

“We see our Creator Community as a source of strength and flexibility. Broadening their ability to pitch to clients and business verticals means more diversity of content ideas for clients, more opportunities for creators, and stronger engagement with the creator authoring the piece,” says Darryl Gehly, CSO of Skyword.

While Skyword360’s Ideation Management feature has long supported content pitches from creators once they are onboarded to a brand’s content creation channel, Idea Centers broaden that access to creators across Skyword’s entire global network.

Within Skyword360’s new Creator Community hub, marketers can activate an Idea Center and post information on what they are looking for in idea submissions. For example, the topics, content types, and audiences they are targeting. Marketers can choose to allow any creator in the Skyword community to submit content ideas to their Idea Center or specify that they are looking for creators with certain credentials or experience.

Creators within the Skyword Creator Community can then pitch ideas tailored to marketers’ stated needs, boosting their client visibility and ability to secure new work.

“The most informed and authentic ideas come from the subject matter experts and journalists who spend every day immersed in specific topics, making their perspectives of critical value to brands,” says Casey Nobile, Skyword’s Head of Content. “At the same time, we aim to boost creators’ business opportunities by pointing them to clients actively seeking new content ideas. This allows them to spend less time prospecting and more time doing what they do best—creating.”

With the addition of Skyword Idea Centers, marketers can:

  • Have a structured way to source original, targeted content ideas on an ongoing basis;

  • Tap directly into audience-centric perspectives from experts who spend every day immersed in the topics they cover;

  • Bring more efficiency and creativity to their ideation and content planning process;

  • Quickly crowdsource ideas for a specific campaign or timely event;

  • Easily expand and diversify their creator pool.

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