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Marketing Analytics, Performance & Attribution

SRAX’s BIGtoken Enables Users to Import Data from Facebook, Twitter, and Amazon, Allowing them to Earn from Their Complete Digital Identity

For the First Time, Consumers Can Earn from the Data Created on Facebook and More Than 25 of the Most Popular Platforms used Across the Web and Mobile
SRAX's BIGtoken Enables Users to Import Data from Facebook, Twitter, and Amazon, Allowing them to Earn from Their Complete Digital Identity

SRAX (NASDAQ: SRAX), a digital marketing and consumer data management technology company, today announces users now have the ability to import their data from Facebook automatically into the BIGtoken platform, allowing each user to increase the value of that information for third-party marketers while increasing their earning opportunities. By integrating historical data, consumers are able to provide the full picture of their digital identity and advertisers can benefit from a more robust data set. Facebook is the first social media platform from which BIGtoken will enable users to import data from, beginning now, with an additional 24 platforms to follow throughout 2019, including Amazon and Twitter.

“Worldwide, there are over 2.38 billion monthly active Facebook users and, for the first time, BIGtoken is giving these users an opportunity to earn from the data they’ve created,” said Kristoffer Nelson, COO at SRAX and co-founder of BIGtoken. “For the first time ever, SRAX is enabling these users to leverage their Facebook data to their own benefit. By cooperating with consumers on the use of their data, marketers and media buyers will be able to view a more accurate picture of the consumer and benefit from a higher quality data set. Currently over 50 percent of media ad spend is wasted on incorrect data. SRAX benefits marketers by helping them allocate budgets accurately while rewarding consumers for sharing verified data and controlling the data that is shared.”

BIG continues to revolutionize advertising and data management for both consumers and advertisers all over the world. BIG rewards consumers for participating in the sales of their digital data, in turn, generating high-quality data for advertisers that will pay a premium to have access to better, consumer-verified information for their campaigns.

To download the application, please visit:, or to access BIG from the web you can visit:

About SRAX
SRAX (NASDAQ: SRAX) is a digital marketing and consumer data management technology company. SRAX’s technology unlocks data to reveal brands core consumers and their characteristics across marketing channels. Through its blockchain identification graph technology platform, BIGtoken, SRAX has developed a consumer-managed data marketplace where people can own and earn from their data thereby providing everyone in the Internet ecosystem choice, transparency, and compensation. SRAX’s tools deliver a digital competitive advantage for brands in the CPG, automotive, investor relations, luxury, and lifestyle verticals by integrating all aspects of the advertising experience, including verified consumer participation, into one platform. For more information on SRAX, visit

About BIGtoken
BIGtoken, built by SRAX (NASDAQ: SRAX), is a consumer data management and distribution system. BIG is the first consumer managed data marketplace where people can own and earn from their data. Through a transparent blockchain platform and consumer reward systems, BIG provides consumers choice, transparency and compensation for their data. Participating consumers earn rewards, and developers are able to build pro-consumer online experiences on top of the BIG platform. The system also provides advertisers and media companies access to transparent, verified consumer data to better reach and serve audiences. For more information on BIGtoken, visit

Safe Harbor Statement
This press release contains certain forward-looking statements that are based upon current expectations and involve certain risks and uncertainties within the meaning of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Words or expressions such as “anticipate,” “plan,” “will,” “intend,” “believe” or “expect'” or variations of such words and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to risks, uncertainties, and other factors, some of which are beyond our control and difficult to predict and could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or forecasted in the forward-looking statements, including, without limitation, statements made with respect to expectations of our ability to increase our revenues, satisfy our obligations as they become due, report profitable operations and other risks and uncertainties, as set forth in our Annual Report on Form 10-K and Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. All forward-looking statements involve significant risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements, many of which are generally outside the control of SRAX and are difficult to predict. SRAX undertakes no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

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