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TaskUs and L1ght Launch “Safety Operations Center”

Safety Operations Center Leverages TaskUs’ New Strategic Relationship with L1ght

TaskUs, Inc. (Nasdaq: TASK), a provider of outsourced trust and safety and digital customer experience services to fast-growing technology companies, has announced a strategic investment in AntiToxin, Inc., dba, L1ght, an anti-toxicity AI company headquartered in Tel Aviv, Israel. L1ght’s technology uses AI to identify and analyze harmful online content. The investment will support the launch of the Safety Operations Center, an integrated solution that leverages L1ght’s AI and TaskUs’ moderation professionals to protect users of social networks, dating apps and online marketplaces.

The Safety Operations Center uses contextual AI to analyze toxic content in real-time, providing accurate policy classification and risk scoring across text, images and video content. A robust business rule engine allows for fully-automated moderation where possible and routing to moderation professionals for deeper analysis where necessary. The platform can be deployed independently in an end-to-end manner or integrated modularly into existing moderation ecosystems.

“Partnering with TaskUs allows us to demonstrate the common vision that both TaskUs and L1ght share – that the future of content moderation must combine both AI and human moderators. With L1ght’s AI under the hood, Safety Operations Center will enable companies to handle extremely large and diversified volumes of potentially unwanted content more efficiently and cost-effectively,” said Avner Sakal, CEO of L1ght.

“Content moderation has never been more critical than it is now. The only solution to the volume and complexity of video, image and audio content being posted every second of every day is a combination of artificial intelligence technology and expert professionals.,” said Bryce Maddock, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder of TaskUs. “The Safety Operations Center is an advanced platform that enables companies to immediately respond to the most complex content moderation challenges.”

TaskUs and L1ght have agreed to debt financing to be provided to L1ght in an amount up to $2 million.

To know more about TaskUs and L1ght, visit the following:

  • TaskUs:
  • TaskUs’ Trust + Safety service offering:
  • Safety Operations Center:
  • L1ght:

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