Business/Customer Intelligence & Data Science, Data Management

ACCA and Connected2Fiber Sign Master Agreement to Enable Location Insight for All Member Organizations

Search Engine Optimization

Connected2Fiber, a SaaS-based location intelligence platform, has announced that it has signed a master license agreement with The Associated Communications Companies of America, or the ACCA. The license will cover the entire range of applications and services that Connected2Fiber can provide and these offerings will be available to all ACCA member organizations.

The ACCA was formed in 1993 to establish a group of US Communication companies that come together regularly to collaborate, innovate, and communicate on key industry topics. Its member organizations include companies such as CenturyLink, Consolidated Communications, and Access Point. Collectively, the current members of ACCA possess in excess of $25 billion in annual revenues, categorizing it as one of the largest telecommunications associations in the United States.

“We’re excited to open up Connected2Fiber’s capabilities to our member organizations because we believe in the power of their data, applications, and services to help the connectivity industry solve critical problems, especially around their go-to-market operations,” says Mike Newkirk of Access Point and President of the ACCA.

“To be able to help organizations like the ACCA continue to embrace the power of location-based insight is why we exist. We firmly believe that now and especially into the future, with the advent of trends like 5G and the movement of content as well as processing to the edge, location intelligence will lead to data-driven decision making and company growth.”

About Connected2Fiber
Connected2Fiber empowers network operators to create, standardize, enhance and share location serviceability, accelerating leads through the funnel, and unleashing growth. Connected2Fiber’s visual interface allows sales teams and B2B marketers to target the best locations with the full perspective of serviceability, demand and competitive dynamics. Seamlessly integrated with the rest of their sales and marketing technology stack, B2B marketers gain critical insights to better allocate their marketing resources and increase participation with their prospects in The Connected World.

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