Audience/Marketing Data & Data Enhancement

Client Command Auto Marketing Technology Lauded by PCG Research

PCG Research

Client Command, a data marketing company with trailblazing technology that allows dealerships to track live shopper data in order to provide a personalized and engaging experience, turned to PCG Research, an unbiased third party trusted by dealers that provides in-depth analysis of vendor products to evaluate their patented process.

A pain point for many dealers is their inability to see exactly how their marketing dollars are working for them–and Client Command looks to solve that by providing ethically and legally sourced shopper data along with touchpoint attribution data that shows dealers step-by-step exactly where their marketing efforts are being seen.

This is achieved with the Active Shopper Network™, a GPS-controlled live map that monitors 91% of available internet-connected devices and matches it with over 224 million potential car buyers. Each individual buyer has a customized profile created for them, allowing dealers to drill down into each one and market to them based on not only what vehicles they’ve been searching for, but what demographics they fall under, including lifestyle, current vehicle, household income, education, family size, and behaviors. Data collected so far suggests that 1 in 8 consumers in the Active Shopper Network™ are going to buy, compared to the 1 to 50 ratio in mass media.

“Being on the cutting edge of technology and working with trusted, vetted partners has never been more important for dealers, “said Greg Geodakyan, Chief Product Officer for Client Command. “ As online shopper data exponentially increases, dealers cannot afford to waste millions of ad dollars on anonymous cookie-based targeting. Neither can they afford to choose vendors lagging in the tech optimizations and privacy compliance needed to deliver today’s consumer standards — people-based marketing, responsive messaging and custom shopper journeys.”

“Client Command offers dealers the opportunity to know immediately when a shopper–not just any shopper but one that matches their vehicle profile–enters the market,” said Brian Pasch, founder of PCG Research. “No more depending on weeks-old or months-old data.”

Seeing is believing with Client Command, and the numbers speak for themselves. Dealers experience an average ROI of 10:1, with some dealers reporting numbers as high as 24:1 over year-long campaigns, spanning dealerships that sell 100 units per month to those that move 1000 units per month.

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