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CMS & Web Experience Management

CMS Leader Contentstack Launches New Partner Program

Catalysts Program Accelerates Growth Opportunities for MACH Companies with Tools, Training and Co-Marketing from Leading Enterprise-Grade Headless CMS Company
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Contentstack, the leading Content Experience Platform (CXP), today announced the launch of the Catalysts partner program as a major boost to its ecosystem of industry-leading technology and service providers to accelerate digital experience innovation. Catalysts advance the use of a microservices-based, API-first, cloud-native SaaS, headless (MACH) architecture, bringing award-winning technology, best practices and a proven methodology for delivering exceptional digital omnichannel engagement.

According to a recent Deloitte CMO survey spending on customer experience increased during COVID-19 and has increased 71% over the last three years. Businesses report increased openness among customers to new digital offerings introduced during the pandemic (85%) and increased value placed on digital experiences (84%) — they also believe that these numbers will stay high and never return to pre-pandemic levels.

Companies that can help businesses transform to meet the new digital imperative, accelerated by COVID-19, are experiencing increased growth opportunities. On the heels of unprecedented company growth, Contentstack is collaborating with top agencies, consultants and technology companies to provide businesses cutting-edge solutions and expert insights to accelerate their transformation to delivering personalized, omnichannel digital experiences.

The Catalysts program is led by Peter Fogelsanger, who recently joined Contentstack as Global Head of Partnerships. Previously, Fogelsanger was Vice President of Partner Engagement at Thunderhead where he led their North American partner program and launched the company’s strategic partnership with Salesforce. Prior to that, Fogelsanger was a Regional Sales Director at Sitecore, where he was instrumental to the company’s move into the enterprise market through partner engagement and driving major revenue with key brands including AFLAC, Duke Energy, Humana and Stanley Black & Decker.

“As businesses embrace the need for exceptional digital experiences, they are looking for partners that can help them transform their technology architecture to support continuous innovation,” said Fogelsanger. “Using a composable architecture, Catalysts help customers build end-to-end content experiences quickly, securely, and globally. Unlike other partner programs in the industry, the Catalysts program is part of our core sales and marketing strategy, built on providing Catalysts dedicated sales alignment and co-selling, collaborative go-to-market support, world class enablement tools and seamless integration. Contentstack and its Catalysts are building the future for enterprise technology.”

As members of the ecosystem, Catalysts will gain recognition as industry thought leaders as they work with partners to drive market visibility, manage growth opportunities and deliver transformational customer success. Contentstack will provide Catalysts with the CMS industry’s most powerful integrations framework and the ability to build new integrations to meet customer needs. Catalysts also receive the same high level of service that Contentstack provides its customers.

To support the Catalysts, Contentstack also launched a suite of partner enablement tools. These tools include the Catalysts Hub, a portal containing Contentstack’s “secret sauce,” including product information and direct access to the Catalysts credentialing program through a learning management system. Catalysts can enroll in Sales or Developer enablement tracks with a range of credentials and can register for and collaborate on deals.

“We are passionate about helping our customers successfully combine experience design, technology development and marketing strategy to drive the innovation needed for the new economy of experience,” said Todd Harris, Senior Vice President of Strategic Alliances at Valtech. “With Contentstack’s Catalysts program, we are able to quickly and easily build our qualifications and get certified on its technology and best practices. The Catalysts program is just the right combination of technology innovation and collaboration to enable us to deliver unique digital experiences even more seamlessly.”

“In today’s environment, companies need experiences to be designed, built, deployed and improved in less time and with greater insight,” said Elaina Shekhter, Chief Marketing Officer and Head of Strategy at EPAM Systems. “Meeting these objectives requires a composable ecosystem that operates with transparency. Contentstack’s Catalysts program allows us to bring together the best players in the market to deliver successful programs. Working with other leading Catalysts, such as commercetools, we can create powerful digital experiences that unlock new value for our customers and provide a clear path to market share.”

“We are committed to building innovative digital engagement experiences which empower our client partners to achieve rapid revenue, market share and customer growth,” said J.M. Guthrie, Partner and Chief Customer Officer at Authentic. “A key to our approach is what we call ‘Contributor Design,’ allowing us to align all key stakeholders across both business and technical functions within the organization. After years of working with other vendors, we are confident that Contentstack delivers a solution that meets the needs of both developers and marketers seeking a modern, future-proof and flexible solution to deliver exceptional customer experiences. As a Catalyst, we are excited to be able to extend the Contentstack solution at speed through both the open architecture and the expanding ecosystem of best-of-breed technology partners available to us.”

Contentstack is the pioneering API-first enterprise SaaS platform at the intersection of content management and digital experiences. The first headless CMS to enable business and IT to easily collaborate, Contentstack removes silos between business units and enables organizations to provide unparalleled customer experiences.

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