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Everything you need to know about native advertising

Native advertising is the most effective form of advertising out there. But how can you get the most bang for your buck?
Native advertising

Native advertising is like camouflaging; you make your ad look and feel like the rest of the content on a webpage or social media. These ads don’t interfere with user experience, and users don’t tune them out as they do with other advertising forms.

Traditional advertising is no longer effective and is on its way to becoming obsolete. Native advertising helps you make your ads look like just another piece of content.

Since 2016, the ad spend has increased five times. But what’s driving this change? Let’s uncover.

Maximizing the ROI

One thing to understand here is clickbait won’t work- native ads are all about telling genuine stories the audience needs to hear. The reason native advertising works wonders is that it’s not pushy or aggressive sales. Don’t promise something in the headline that you cannot deliver, or write the article about something unrelated.

There are many native advertising tools in the market- Taboola, Nativo, Outbrain, Yahoo Gemini, StackAdapt, and more. The content of your native ad doesn’t need to align with the look and feel of your website; it should rather match the makeup of the publisher’s website.

With native advertising, you garner traction from people that matter the most to your business at a much lower cost. The users come to the website to consume content from the same space, so you get the right eyes on your content and boost conversions.

Customer’s Standpoint

You only get marketing success when you look at the landscape and your strategies from a customer’s perspective. If you want to talk about a particular subject, what would they want to hear and where would they like to do so?

The purpose of native advertising is to engage your audience with compelling stories, opinions, and research, with authenticity. Ads.text is an initiative to ensure your native ads are sold only through authorized sellers. If you have a particular website in mind (a publisher), you only need to add /ads.txt after the website link to check if your native advertising tool is authorized to display ads on that website. If you haven’t decided on a publisher yet, you can visit to compare different websites and conclude the one that might work the best for your business. Do this before choosing your native ads provider to ensure you don’t end up choosing a platform that can’t partner with your publisher.

The Editor’s Note

Marketers must be ethical to make the genuine impact they wish to see. Labeling your native ads as sponsored or promoted is a must to be transparent with your audience.

It’s not enough to dabble in native ads; you need to learn to run these ads with perfection. Continue experimenting and analyzing to align your native campaign results with overall marketing goals and business objectives. 

Customer-centricity is the key. If you don’t know who you are targeting, you won’t know how to target the right people to get results.

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