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How a CMS Affects Your Content Marketing Strategy?

Content Marketing

Content Marketing might be volatile and Content Management might have some issues, but it has become an important & integral part of marketing.

No doubt the content management system is a great platform for content marketers, but there are still some challenges that marketers face.

Chief Marketing Officer at Hubspot, Kipp Bodnar said that “For me, the marketer owning the website is one of the most thankless jobs you have. There’s a lot of pain associated with it. Your CEO asks you to update a bio, or your legal team needs new terms of service. Everybody’s coming at you from everywhere, and the actual management of websites has just a huge amount of pain associated with it.”

Here Kipp has tried to unveil the issue faced by content marketers, by putting light on the fact that owning a website is the easiest job when it comes to content management, challenges begin after that.

To address these challenges in a better way, VP of Product Management at Hubspot, Angela DeFranco says that “We wanted to build a content management system and a suite of tools that could stand on its own, and take away the pain of content management. Not only from the marketer but also from the developer and the people that help the site run.

Even after all the difficulties that marketers face, a content management platform is the most significant and dependable platform used by content marketers. So let’s dive in to explore how the content management system enhances content marketers.

1. What is the Fourth Wave of Content Marketing?

Scott Brinker, also known as the Father of Martech in 2014 said that “the fourth wave of content marketing, now emerging, is the proliferation of interactive content with responsive web marketing apps.”

We can relate to his statement well, as presently we can clearly see the rise of interactive content in the Martech arena. The rising use of interactive content has enhanced the use of Content Management Systems to obtain maximum visibility.  

2. Content Marketing for Customer Experience

Tom Treanor, a Martech leader and CMO of Arm Treasure Data said in a podcast of Content Matters that, “I think the content is really important because, at the end of the day, other than the actual product or service, the content is the value you deliver to customers during the experience. And so, delivering the right content or useful content at the right time during their journey – like good guides, video tutorials, thought-provoking articles, or detailed reviews – things like that are all key pieces of good customer experience.”

Content marketing is growing rapidly and has become an important part of almost all marketing strategies. Most of us might have just neglected the fact that Mr. Tom Treanor is talking about, contents also play a key role in delivering enhanced customer experience. As we all know content marketing is growing into a very dynamic sector and CMS platforms are playing a major role in managing this Dynamicity.

3. Quality Matters

In his blog a well-known digital marketer, Neil Patel wrote that “Creating fresh, quality content for your website can be a huge investment, but it’s worth it. But as noted above, the true key to success is creating original content.”

No matter Content is the king, but that doesn’t mean creating more content will get you more traffic. Content marketing is growing rapidly and is becoming more volatile when we see it from the perspective of content marketers. Having a good CMS platform helps in decreasing volatility and sustaining growth.


Brian Glover, director of product marketing for Adobe said that “Customers are particularly excited because of how widely Adobe Experience Manager is used, the connectivity of content and content being so essential to the marketing process.”

We all know content marketing is gaining momentum in the present marketing process, CMS platforms have eased it to an extent. Brian has showcased the rising significance of content and how CMS is becoming a helping hand in easing the entire process of creating a campaign.

Content Marketing might be volatile and Content Management might have some issues, but has become an important and integral part of marketing. Content marketing is gaining more significance with every passing day.

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Aashish Yadav
Content Writer, Martech Cube
Aashish is currently a Content writer at Martech Cube. He is an enthusiastic and avid writer. His key region of interests include covering different aspects of technology and mixing them up with layman ideologies to pan out an interesting take. His main area of interests range from medical journals to marketing arena.

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