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Inriver Extends PIM with Built-in Media Management Capabilities

Media Suite helps product managers and commerce teams solve the complexity of ever-expanding multimedia challenges and leverage dynamic content to drive conversions
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Inriver, a company that empowers organizations to deliver revenue-driving product information management (PIM) across every customer touchpoint, today announced the release of inriver Media Suite. The new capability is purpose-built for PIM users as it helps organizations solve the challenges and complexity of leveraging dynamic content at scale to maximize conversions quickly and easily.

To succeed in today’s omnichannel world, channel and product managers, communications teams, and copywriters need to create, optimize, and syndicate product information across channels. The importance of media assets and product information to tell product stories is critical. Inriver’s 2021 survey showed that 36% of online shoppers rank images and videos as essential to their purchases.  A positive customer experience depends on rich media and revenues and market shares reflect it.

Inriver’s Digital-first PIM™ solution with enhanced multimedia capabilities helps brands deliver this in one platform.

“Both B2C and B2B buyers alike crave more engaging and immersive content, including rich media and lifestyle content,” wrote Amanda LeClair, senior analyst, Forrester in the April 2022 report, PIM’s Role In Your Future Fit Stack. “That requires advancing your PIM strategy to translate attributes and descriptions into content and experiences that increase cart values and customer loyalty.”

“To effectively leverage the vast amounts of product data and multimedia assets needed to drive modern commerce, teams need enhanced editing capabilities and functionality previously only available to designers,” said Johan Boström, co-founder and chief product officer, inriver. “Media Suite does this. It provides a collaborative workspace to optimize and edit assets, manage complexity of file formats, and remove dependencies on creative staff to empower the PIM user. Things move fast in commerce, we are helping teams become more effective so they can perform better.”

Key features of inriver Media Suite:

  • Enhanced media functionality for the product marketer within the PIM
  • Support for any digital asset format, from pictures, documents, videos to 3D videos, and more
  • Link media assets directly to product content all within one platform easily to streamline the enrichment process
  • Create and manage the complexity of different versions of assets to optimize sales in separate markets and ensure better data governance
  • Deliver content via the content delivery network (CDN) to e-commerce platforms, improving webpage responsiveness for a better customer experience.

Inriver Media Suite is designed to handle product-information related assets. It supports and accelerates the enrichment process for media, giving brands the capabilities to boost customer experience by maximizing the impact and delivery of their product content.

See how inriver Media Suite streamlines the complexity of managing product information to optimize the buying experience.

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