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Data Management, Marketing Analytics, Performance & Attribution

DiscoverOrg sees multiple developments in terms of career succession


DiscoverOrg, the leading provider of B2B intelligence, announced changes bolstering its senior leadership team. Katie Bullard was promoted from Chief Growth Officer to President, Chris Hays was promoted from VP of Operations to Chief Operating Officer (COO), and Cameron Hyzer was hired as the company’s next Chief Financial Officer (CFO.)

“In our next chapter of expansion, Katie, Chris, and Cameron will play critical roles in leading the future of DiscoverOrg,” said Henry Schuck, DiscoverOrg co-founder and CEO. “Each one has an exceptional track record of accelerating the growth of leading B2B tech companies, and I couldn’t be more excited about the value they bring to our business.”

Katie Bullard, President
In her expanded role as President, Ms. Bullard will lead the company’s product, engineering, marketing, customer experience, and IT teams.

“Over the last 2 years at DiscoverOrg, Katie has done an incredible job leading and scaling an award-winning marketing team, establishing a true product management team and making it best in class, and most recently building a customer experience team and a framework for success around it,” Schuck said. “She has been an incredible asset to both me and the entire organization, and as President, I am confident in her ability to further our goals.”

Ms. Bullard has 15 years of experience in high-growth, PE-backed and public technology and data businesses; she has a proven history of building high-performing teams, implementing transformative growth strategies, and driving a laser-focus on operational outcomes. Before joining DiscoverOrg in 2016, she held senior leadership roles at D&B Hoover’s, Accruent, and Mitratech. She holds an B.A. and M.A. from the University of Virginia, where she graduated with high honors.

“I am passionate about our mission at DiscoverOrg to provide sales, marketing, and recruiting professionals with the best data and insights available anywhere,” said Bullard. “Our goals are clear, and I look forward to delivering even more to our customers and the business in my new role.”

Chris Hays, Chief Operations Officer
In his expanded role as COO, Mr. Hays will be responsible for operational excellence across the business.

“Chris has been instrumental in architecting our sales and customer success operations to allow us to scale from 1,500 customers to almost 5,000 customers,” said Schuck. “He is a critical part of our success, and I’m excited for his opportunity to add a high-degree of efficiency to our operational execution.”

Chris Hays is an established sales and operations leader with 20 years of B2B experience. He has held global sales, marketing, and operations roles at Lucent, and later at Avaya. From there, Hays founded Inside Sales Team, a sales enablement company that became one of the fastest-growing companies in upstate New York. He holds a B.A. from SUNY – Albany.

“I am delighted to be continuing my journey with such a talented group of people,” noted Hays.

Cameron Hyzer, Chief Financial Officer
In his role as CFO, Mr. Hyzer will be responsible for finance, strategy, and human resources. He joins the team after serving as CFO of Eze Software Group for the last 6 years.

“Cameron is a world-class financial and operational leader,” said Schuck. “The experience he has had scaling businesses to over $300m in revenue will be incredibly valuable to DiscoverOrg, and I couldn’t be more pleased to have him join our team.”

Mr. Hyzer brings over 20 years of experience enabling SaaS, software, and technology companies to scale and grow, improve operations, and execute fundraisings, exit events, and strategic acquisitions. In addition to Eze, Cameron served in senior leadership roles at other PE-backed and public companies including ConvergEx and Thomson Financial. He graduated cum laude from the University of Pennsylvania with concentrations in Finance and Strategic Management from the Wharton School and a concentration in Electrical Engineering from the School of Engineering and Applied Science.

“I’m very excited to join such a great team at DiscoverOrg and help to build on the success that they have achieved to date as leaders in the sales and marketing intelligence market,” noted Hyzer.

About DiscoverOrg
Whatever your next stage of growth, DiscoverOrg will get you there faster. Growthbound organizations depend on DiscoverOrg’s deep B2B intelligence to drive their sales, marketing and recruiting activities. Our award-winning solutions provide a stream of accurate and actionable company and contact insights that can be used to find, connect with and sell to target buyers and hires more effectively – all integrated into the leading CRM, Sales Engagement and Marketing Automation Tools on the market. DiscoverOrg’s biggest differentiator is the combination of proprietary technology, tools and integrations with a layer of human-verification that allows us to deliver the highest guaranteed accuracy of any B2B provider in the market.

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