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Content Marketing

Libris by PhotoShelter Announce Strategic Partnership at #CMWorld

Content Marketing World a strategic

Libris by PhotoShelter and Greenfly Inc. announced at Content Marketing World a strategic partnership to empower effortless content sharing across social media. This relationship unites Libris’ digital asset management platform for visual storytelling with Greenfly’s new product, Greenfly Connect, which fully automates the last-mile content workflow for social media. With the power of Libris and Greenfly, brands can now tap into the networks of their influencers and exponentially boost their reach across social platforms.

“Content without distribution is a lost opportunity. This partnership enables social teams to fully unlock the incredible potential of their visual assets housed within Libris, getting it into the hands of their community quickly to maximize social reach and engagement,” said Daniel Kirschner, CEO of Greenfly.

With Libris and Greenfly Connect, social teams can automatically access photos and videos from photographers and sort that content into galleries flowing through both systems. Then, based on tagging and metadata fields, they can automatically distribute that content via their community at scale across social platforms for a seamless sharing experience. The integration allows creative teams to push content out beyond their own channels and tap into the networks of their influencers. As one example, a professional sports team can share photos from the field with players in real time during a game.

“Thanks to this partnership, the brands we serve can now achieve a new level of social sharing at scale,” said Andrew Fingerman, CEO of PhotoShelter. “There’s nothing more powerful than the ability to capture and share visual content instantly. Now, teams can send it out automatically to individual community members (fans, players, influencers) for distribution. We’re excited to partner with Greenfly to make this happen.”

This partnership will be brought to life at this year’s Content Marketing World where the Libris and Greenfly integration will be used to capture, organize and share content in real time from the conference. Event attendees will be able to access photos and videos through the Greenfly app and share effortlessly from their phones.

Andrew Fingerman, CEO of PhotoShelter, and Shawn Green, former MLB player and founder and chairman of Greenfly, will be discussing the power of the integration during their session, Activate Your Super Fans with Real-Time Content, on Wednesday, September 4, 2019 in Cleveland.

The combined capabilities of Libris and Greenfly will enable sports teams and leagues, entertainment companies, and Fortune 500 organizations to automate photo and video asset consumption, organization and distribution — traditionally complex and manual operations — to transform their content workflows and see a more rapid return on content investments.

Greenfly and Libris first launched this partnership to power the inaugural season of the Premier Lacrosse League.

“Our content and engagement levels have been growing at an exponential rate,” says Tyler Steinhardt, Manager of Content of the Premier Lacrosse League. “The combined technology of Libris and Greenfly enables our players to instantly select and pull the exact images and content they are looking to post. We have a community of over 160 players who are very active on social media — and because of Libris and Greenfly, they can now share real-time content with their thousands of followers.”

To learn more about the power of Libris and Greenfly, watch an exclusive video interview with the Premier Lacrosse League.

About Greenfly
Greenfly is a fundamentally new way for organizations and their advocates to collaborate. At any scale. The Greenfly platform ensures the right message reaches the right audience at the right time. Greenfly was co-founded by Shawn Green, an all-star major league baseball player for 15 years including with the Dodgers and Mets, and Daniel Kirschner, a senior digital media executive and Internet policy official. With millions of visual assets managed through the Greenfly platform resulting in over a billion social interactions, ​sports teams and leagues, entertainment companies and Fortune 500 organizations have forged powerful fan connections and strengthened the love for their brands. For more, please visit greenfly.com.

About Libris by PhotoShelter
Libris by PhotoShelter is the simplest and fastest digital asset management platform built for visual media. We help brands and organizations create visual stories effortlessly. With 14 years in the cloud and more than 600 million assets managed, our cutting-edge software helps over 1,000 top consumer and retail brands, travel and hospitality icons, professional sports teams and world-class universities easily organize, collaborate on and share their photos and videos. It’s a powerful media library that will centralize your team’s assets and change the way you communicate visually.

Today, Libris is used by leading brands across industries, including: The Associated Press, New York Jets, Los Angeles Chargers, Philadelphia Eagles, Atlanta Braves, Purdue University, National Aquarium, Chick-fil-A, Special Olympics Inc., Pandora, PBS, Politico, Nathan’s Famous and Wendy’s. To request a demo, please visit libris.photoshelter.com.

Libris is a product of PhotoShelter. PhotoShelter’s mission is to empower effortless visual storytelling through two solutions, including PhotoShelter for photographers and Libris for brands.

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