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Customer Experience, Service & Success

M-Files Exceeds 30 Percent Growth in Annual Recurring Revenue in 2021

Global Information Management Leader Reaches New Milestones in Product Innovation, Partner Program Growth and Worldwide Employee Hires
experience management

M-Files Corporation, the intelligent information management company, today announced the company grew its annual recurring revenue (ARR) in 2021 by more than 30 percent. Advancements in customer success programs helped boost customer satisfaction and raise net revenue retention to over 120 percent in 2021. The company also increased bookings in the Professional Services industry by 41 percent.

“Our accelerated growth in 2021 is proof that more organizations are readily embracing our unique, metadata-driven approach to information management to gain a leading edge in their digital transformation journeys,” said Antti Nivala, founder and CEO, M-Files. “We increased our employee headcount by a record-breaking 20 percent in 2021, enabling us to better serve knowledge workers’ needs and provide innovative platform enhancements that deliver superior customer experiences and higher-quality work with lower risk.”

Continued Innovation for the M-Files Document Management Platform

An early 2021 growth investment of $80 million (€67 million) led by Bregal Milestone, a European growth capital firm, helped drive new innovations to the M-Files metadata-driven document management platform. In 2021, M-Files released 34 feature updates. New capabilities to enable a more efficient way to work amidst the shift to today’s remote and hybrid workplace reality included:

  • A modern, simplified user interface that makes use and adoption faster, easier and more intuitive with M-Files Web.
  • External content sharing and collaboration capabilities with the company’s acquisition of Hubshare in April, delivering an improved digital client experience.
  • M-Files Smart Migration, an intelligence service which combines M-Files’ leading information management expertise with metadata-driven automation to help customers migrate information into the M-Files platform more intelligently and cost-effectively.
  • Extended cloud monitoring capabilities to improve product quality and increase customer satisfaction.

Companies Partner with M-Files on the Heels of Record-Breaking Global Channel Sales Growth

In 2021, M-Files grew its partner program, achieving over 30 percent year-over-year growth in global channel sales ARR bookings. As partners heightened their proficiencies with the M-Files platform, the average partner-led new deal size increased by nearly 20 percent and cloud deployments grew five times faster than on-premises deployments.

In 2021, M-Files nearly doubled the number of Customer Success Managers across the globe to support the critical regions of North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. The company also introduced new partner enablement, certification, and support processes to improve delivery capabilities. New certifications unveiled in April 2021 were made available to value added resellers (VARs), System Integrators (SIs) and services subcontractors across the globe. Since April, a record number of partners attained these key accreditations to showcase their competencies in delivering M-Files solutions. M-Files now boasts 190 Certified Solution Engineers, 29 Certified Developers and 25 Certified Architects among its partner organizations. In addition, M-Files now has 56 Certified Delivery Partners that have demonstrated exemplary proficiency in delivering high quality M-Files solutions to customers.

Industry Recognition Across Analyst and Award Organizations

M-Files’ innovations have earned recognition from the analyst community, with M-Files recently being named a Visionary in the 2021 Gartner Magic Quadrant™ for Content Services Platforms and positioned furthest for Completeness of Vision. M-Files also received the highest score for the Information Governance use case and earned scores among the top three highest in all use cases in the 2021 Gartner® Critical Capabilities for Content Services Platforms Report. Ninety-three percent of respondents in Gartner Peer Insights recommend M-Files as a Content Services Platform, as of February 15, 2022, based on 72 reviews over the past 12 months. M-Files’ rating also increased from 4.3 to 4.5. In addition, M-Files was named a Strong Performer in The Forrester Wave™ Content Platforms, Q2 2021 report and a Leader in the 2021 Nucleus Research Content Services and Collaboration Value Matrix Report for the eighth consecutive year.

M-Files was also named a gold winner in the Company of the Year – B-to-B category of the Best in Biz Awards, and CEO Antti Nivala was named a winner in the Executive of the Year category of the Business Intelligence Group’s BIG Awards for Business.

The M-Files metadata-driven document management platform connects people with the content that they need, when they need it, regardless of where it is stored. The platform enables knowledge workers to instantly find the right information in any context, automate business processes, and enforce information control. According to a recently commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting, The Total Economic ImpactTM of M-Files, the M-Files platform can deliver nearly a 270% return on investment (ROI) over three years to midsize and enterprise customers. To learn more about the M-Files metadata-driven document management platform, visit

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