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Top 7 Marketing Mistakes to Avoid This Cyber Monday

Cyber Monday 2020

It is said that ‘you should learn from your mistakes’ but not during Cyber Monday. So read below & prepare yourself for error-free Cyber Monday Marketing

The best time of the year is the busiest season for retailers as well as shoppers alike. As Black Friday has already concluded and Cyber Monday is here and the rest of the holidays are about to wrap up in the coming weeks, still your online store has not yet made the most out of this holiday shopping season till now. Ecommerce shopping evolved as a blessing during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In 2019, online holiday sales in the United States reached $135.35 billion and the average order value reached $152.95. The infamous Cyber Monday continues to play a large role in the success of holiday marketing and sales.

This year 2020, markets the 15th anniversary of the Cyber Monday holiday. As Cyber week has arrived, you might be eager to display the majority of your offerings for sale. Given the pandemic, many retailers had canceled or limited their Black Friday offers to prevent people from assembling indoors and potentially transmitting the virus. The majority of the shopping deals were available online from Thanksgiving 2020 to Black Friday, and the same is expected to happen on Cyber Monday.

Here are some potential Cyber Monday mistakes that marketers should avoid while drawing their marketing strategies for Cyber Monday 2020.

Spamming Your Customers Inbox
Email marketing is a great way of getting in touch with your customers and keeping them updated with your latest offers and deals. Outreaching your customers during occasions like Black Friday and Cyber Monday, in order to bring them to your site and convert them, is a great way of enhancing sales. But if not done right, it can also have an adverse effect, and hence is the first mistake, marketers should avoid. Yes, you need to maintain balance when you outreach.

If you have started your promotions late, then you need to utilize all the available channels such as email marketing, text messages blast, social media marketing, phone calls, etc. in an effective manner without going crazy with them.

If you don’t have access to the contact number and other details of the potential customers, use email marketing and social media marketing. You can also cross-promote with other brands to get maximum exposure, but we at Martech Cube advise that you shouldn’t be sending out more than 5 promotional messages to your customers in a week. Also, don’t forget to send out a ‘Thank You’ message to the customers after every purchase, as those go far ahead than you think.

Failing to Redesign Your Website
>Representation of your website during holidays has a great impact on the perceptions of your customers about what you can potentially offer them. Sometimes online retailers resist outlaying the expenses of redesigning their websites to embrace the holiday warmth because it means more expenditure on their end. Just imagine, some shoppers visit your website to check for some items for their Black Friday or Cyber Monday shopping, but your site looks outdated with your summer theme from two years ago. There are high chances that they will sense that you are not a trusted source for their holiday shopping. This can ruin all your efforts to get huge returns during festive sales.

Not Having an Early Start
For the upcoming holiday season, you should begin promoting your brands as early as possible. There is already quite a competition everywhere, especially on social media platforms. The majority of the popular brands are already pretty active with their social media platforms and other marketing methods. And if you think that you have enough time to start preparing for your marketing campaigns this holiday season, then you are already quite late.

Cyber Monday is already here and you can hardly take a few steps to leverage Cyber Week as much as you can. In case you haven’t started preparing for your Cyber Monday Marketing yet, you must take some quick actions so that your campaign would be effective enough to bring more sales conversions to your business.

Holiday Collaborations
Brand partnerships make a splash during the time of holidays every year, which acts as a catalyst in the growth of both companies. In 2018, sustainable sock brand Bombas partnered up with Sesame Street to create a run of themed socks.

Shirking your PR
Many companies don’t reach out to the media during the holidays because the management of the company is under the impression that media outlets shut their doors or are too busy to bother with new story ideas. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. The media is always open and looking for the next great story or feature to add to their feeds. If you can tie your story in with the season and timing, all the better. If you missed the holiday calendar, you can still plant a seed for a feature whenever you get the next opportunity. A great method to connect with the media during this time of year is to contact the media with the help of LinkedIn, which will usually go right to their inbox.

Mobile-Friendly Campaigns
Companies must ensure that their online marketing strategies are mobile optimized too. As per the statistics, more and more people are utilizing mobile devices for their shopping, businesses need to take note of this and work towards reaching the customers through mobiles too. Websites should be optimized well to provide the mobile audience with an easy viewing experience that will prompt them to spend more time on your site and enjoy the ease of making purchases from their mobile device.

Unattractive Discounts & Deals
With the convenience of online shopping, presently, shoppers have become smarter buyers. They can easily compare prices online between different ecommerce platforms to get the best possible deal. In 2015, 70% of buyers had made price comparisons among different online retailers before making a purchase decision. Unattractive Cyber Monday discounts and deals can be traced back by pricing your items without checking your competition. Holiday customers are shopping not only for one product since they’re either purchasing gifts for their loved ones or for themselves. If you want to maximize your shopper’s purchases, provide them with deals and discounts that are far better than your competitors online as well as offline.

Some Top Black Friday & Cyber Monday Marketing Campaigns

To make shoppers come back to the site for more, for the past few years Amazon has created a Deals of the Day segment split into ‘Available’ and ‘Missed’, a good little trick to create a sense of urgency among the buyers.


HubSpot created a holiday-themed microsite, highlighting their #HolidayHub campaign and targeting ecommerce customers.
The site has numerous holiday marketing resources, which isn’t notably different from the type of content HubSpot publishes on their website except the time, it’s themed. Moreover, who doesn’t love a countdown?


Closing Lines
Since this year because of Covid 19 pandemic impact, we might not see a huge crowd in and outside stores. But online ecommerce platforms will surely see huge traction this year, hence you can increase your reach with the audience to turn them into your potential customers.

Once Cyber Monday and Cyber Week come to an end, the holiday shopping season will still be in full swing, you can continue making efforts till the holiday season comes to an end.

Don’t let Cyber Monday 2020 pass without a few extra sales coming your way.

Happy Cyber Monday & Cyber Week!!!


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    Chandrima Samanta
    Content-Editor at MartechCube
    Chandrima is a Content management executive with a flair for creating high quality content irrespective of genre. She believes in crafting stories irrespective of genre and bringing them to a creative form. Prior to working for MartechCube she was a Business Analyst with Capgemini.

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