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Top Mobile Marketing Strategies for your Business

Mobile marketing is the next game changer in the martech scape. Learn how it is disrupting the current customer choices.
mobile marketing tools

Eric Schmidt,Former CEO at Google, “The trend has been that mobile was winning. It’s now won.” 


Mobile Marketing has gained tremendous popularity in recent times. And the pandemic situation appropriately justifies it. The increase in mobile usage trends has directly impacted the increase in mobile marketing trends. With everybody confined to the spaces of their homes and trying to recover from the ennui of being in front of laptops/pcs and working all day, people turn to their mobile phones for refreshment! Now, not just the marketers but everybody knows that mobile phones have become a constant in our lives. So, why not make use of it to actually amplify your marketing efforts? Mobile marketing strategies will act as a catalyst for you to reach your audience on the device most used.

According to Blue Corona a trusted mobile statistics based  source, Up to 70% of web traffic happens on a mobile device

Let us look at some of the top tips for mobile marketing strategies and mobile marketing best practices for your business.

1) Website Optimization/Apps – Any rookie marketer will tell you that things for mobile are not the same as they are for websites. This means that the layout and the design of your website should not only be compatible with mobile devices, but also be optimized to the core. You do not want your visitors to be obfuscated when they use their mobile phones to view your website and look for the information that they need. Mobile Applications are a great way for you to straighten out this wrinkle. Apps are also amazing mobile marketing tools, if utilized correctly and wisely, they are bound to lend your business credibility. Mobile marketing metrics surrounding website optimization have to b

Kevin Systrom, Co-founder, Instagram, “People interact with their phones very differently than they do with their PCs, and I think that when you design from the ground up with mobile in mind, you create a very different product than going the other way.”


2) Mobile Content – Another strategy that will work best in the favor of your mobile marketing campaign is that of revamping your content. We ourselves don’t read long paragraphs and bulky messages. This means that you will have to transform your content and make it crisp enough to grab the attention of the visitors in a single glance. It is also noticed that many people do not even turn on the sound of videos on social media channels, so it is wise to embed subtitles and make content that is interactive from all directions.

David Murphy, Editorial Director at Mobile Marketing Magazine, “The future of mobile is the future of online. It is how people access online content now.” 


 3) Social Media AdsTikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, YouTube, and every social media platform is a podium for you to run ads to the audience that might be interested in your products. Twitter For example, you run a shoe store, you can then use mobile marketing analytics on social media platforms to find out your target audience that is interacting with content related to shoes, and run quintessential product ads that highlight the attributes of the shoes that you offer, to these specific people and help you in onboarding them as your customers.

4)  In-game Ads – Mobile devices are being used for playing games on a very large scale. From Candy Crush to Call of Duty to a number of games available on the playstore, people play these games for a considerable amount of time, almost every single day. You can run ads to specific age groups that might also be interested in checking out your offerings. With in-game ads, it becomes easy to not just catch but also hold the attention of your target audience base.

 5) Geographical and device-based targeting–Today, technology has advanced to such an extent that you can easily find out what devices and OS your target audience is using, and where they are from. Let’s say you want to market your anti-malware software to young adults using mobile banking applications. You can find out if these people are majorly using android devices or iOS devices along with their geographical locations. This will help you in running cost-effective campaigns that will directly reach to your potential customers, saving you big bucks.

Mobile Marketing has become relatively easier with emergence of advanced tools for mobile marketing in particular. Scaling your practices with effective technology and strategies will pave the way for you in reaping the fruity mobile marketing benefits.


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    Chandrima Samanta
    Content-Editor at MartechCube
    Chandrima is a Content management executive with a flair for creating high quality content irrespective of genre. She believes in crafting stories irrespective of genre and bringing them to a creative form. Prior to working for MartechCube she was a Business Analyst with Capgemini.

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