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Retail, Proximity & IoT Marketing

Vantage Discovery and Quid Announce Strategic Partnership to Revolutionize AI-Driven Retail Intelligence

Quid and Vantage Discovery join forces with trend analysis and AI personalization to help retailers stay ahead and transform the shopping experience.

Vantage Discovery, a leader in AI-powered search, discovery, and personalization, announced a strategic partnership with Quid, a pioneer in AI-driven trend analysis and market-based merchandising. Quid, trusted by a third of Fortune 500 organizations, including industry giants like L’Oréal, Louis Vuitton, T-Mobile, and Walmart, will collaborate with Vantage Discovery to empower retailers to anticipate consumer behavior and drive smarter, data-backed business decisions.

Quid makes it possible for retailers to know tomorrow’s trends today, identifying high-value trends at their earliest stages and giving their customers a crucial head start over competitors to prepare the right inventory and merchandising strategy. This allows for timely product positioning that meets shopper demand before the market catches up. Quid goes beyond identifying what’s trending—it reveals why those trends matter by uncovering the deeper factors shaping consumer behavior.

Vantage Discovery empowers brands and retailers to deliver personalized search and discovery experiences on their websites. Built by the creators behind Pinterest shopping and monetization, the platform has gained significant traction after securing Series A funding. By combining real-time trend data from Quid with shopper interactions such as search queries, products viewed, past purchases, and unique stylistic preferences, Vantage Discovery enables retailers to elevate trending styles in search and discovery, crafting highly engaging shopping experiences that resonate with customers.

The integration represents the first time a solution has combined both site search data with social and general search data. In doing so, it provides retailers with an unparalleled level of retail intelligence informed by external factors that may be influencing a shopper’s purchasing intent. With purchasing decisions increasingly being made as a result of social trends and engagement, the partnership will provide retailers with a vital tool to help them capitalize on trends and make the most of first mover advantage.

The true power of this integration lies in enabling retailers to respond to trends without being confined to specific products or product categories. The Vantage Platform can interpret abstract trends such as “coquette,” “coastal grandma,” and “quiet luxury,” which are often difficult to define or link to catalog items. This capability enables retailers to connect nuanced or yet-to-be-labeled style fads with the most relevant products quickly and at scale.

“Retail success hinges on understanding and responding to consumer trends in real time,” said Anthony Lye, CEO of Quid. “Partnering with Vantage Discovery allows retailers to turn Quid trend insights into action, capitalize on emerging opportunities faster than ever before, and put the right products in front of the right customers—at the right time.”

Merchandisers can activate Quid insights using Vantage Discovery in three impactful ways: boosting search results, highlighting products while browsing, and enhancing ‘You May Also Like’ recommendations to align with trending styles. This enables retailers to stay ahead of the curve by not just reacting to trends, but shaping the shopper experience to captivate and convert.

Shoppers benefit as well. By matching what’s trending with individual preferences, shoppers see items that resonate more deeply with their tastes. This creates a shopping experience where they find exactly what they’re looking for while feeling understood—encouraging them to return again and again.

“This partnership represents a major step forward for the retail industry,” said Lance Riedel, CEO and Co-founder of Vantage Discovery. “Vantage Discovery is the only search and discovery platform that truly understands style. With this integration, we can merge real-time trend insights from Quid directly into our style-based search and discovery experience, enabling retailers to adapt instantly and capture shopper interest before competitors can react.”

This integration redefines hyper-personalized shopping by matching each shopper’s unique style with real-time trends emerging across social media and other digital platforms. By combining the strengths of Quid and Vantage Discovery, retailers can transform insights into action with unprecedented speed, dynamically shaping the shopper experience to reflect what’s popular and personally relevant. It empowers retailers to act swiftly and strategically—optimizing inventory management, crafting smarter promotions, boosting conversions, growing revenue, and creating unmatched shopper experiences that set them apart from the competition.

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