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Why AI in E-Commerce is the Powerplay That We All Need?

Explore the burning role of AI in E-Commerce and how brands such as Apptus help in facilitating the much needed Retail Empowerment.
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Unless you have been out of this world for the last couple of years, most likely, you have heard of artificial intelligence (AI). But how can we utilize AI in eCommerce?

Artificial Intelligence is recklessly walking across the corridors of eCommerce and steadily taking over. Don’t you agree with this?

Some people say Artificial Intelligence is replacing humans and will eat up their jobs. Moreover, they can do the jobs that you would have imagined that robots will do one day in the future.

Can we call AI a game-changer in the world of eCommerce? Well, AI is a trending concept that supports all modern technologies. With the fastest succession of technological breakthroughs, AI is rapidly revolutionizing the eCommerce industry as a whole.

How Ai made a place in the smarter facilitation of E-Commerce?

Creating Customer-Centric Visual Search

As a customer when you go to shop online, you might encounter products with results on the page that are not only irrelevant but foreign too. And it is very annoying. So annoying that many users tend to leave the page.

Here is when AI comes into action, to tackle this issue AI tends to utilize NLP (natural language processing) to contextualize and improve the search result. Not only that, but AI also utilizes visual search capabilities that tend to match the products quickly, making it possible and easy to shop for the things we are looking for and love.

Chat Bots

The biggest reason why most e-commerce platforms can give you assistance for an entire day is only because of chatbots that work so efficiently.

Chatbots tend to provide the customers with the best solutions that they can easily deal with. Not only that but new chatbots also help the customer in making new buying choices and decisions. These chatbots can communicate with customers easily and help them in solving their issues.

Retargeting Potential Customers with AI

Many times, while managing the ad campaigns, you might have noticed that the customer spends a notable amount of time on a particular product and then suddenly exits. Usually, that information can be stored for use upon their next visit.

Well, the method of sales is changing with businesses responding directly to the customer. Presently brands are reading the minds of customers, and all thanks to the data used with AI.

As a retailer how do you optimize your E-commerce?

There are various platforms available in the market that help retailers in optimizing their E-commerce. Brands such as Apptus have designed their solutions perfectly to empower retailers efficiently.

Here are some of the must-have features we looked for before naming Apptus and even you should look for before choosing a platform that can help you in optimizing your sales.

Optimizing eCommerce through automated online merchandising

Platforms should be built from the ground up to excel in eCommerce. They should deliver eSales SaaS solutions and empower customers via automated online merchandising covering site search, site navigation, email recommendations, content/ads, and product recommendations.

Machine Learning delivers relevant shopping experiences

The platform must Utilize machine learning and each eSales component must share data and learns from the other components, resulting in a shopping experience that is more relevant to each individual online customer.

Optimizing Entire eCommerce Site

eSales must provide eCommerce managers with AI-powered, business objective-driven online merchandising that increases customer lifetime value. An optimal mix of automation (AI) and manual input provides a unified solution for online merchandising across various components.

Delivers value in real-time

eSales solution should be utilizing AI to automate the workload, remove much of the manual heavy lifting. The AI reacts faster than humans and is capable of catching both micro and macro trends.

It learns from user behavior in real-time, predicting their intent, and adapts the results to rank the most relevant products higher, maximizing sales. Easy-to-use tools make sure that there is still room for a merchandiser’s human touch.

Promotions and demotions

To affect seasonal products, manage stock levels or reward house brands, the platform should allow you to manually boost selected products to be pushed higher up in the product listings.

Also, the opposite should be done in order to demote selected products, like seasonal wear that’s out of season, by burying them lower down in search results and category pages.


Although the term ‘artificial’ might imply something negative or dehumanized, artificial intelligence empowers businesses to provide a more personalized experience for their customers.

AI makes it possible for eCommerce retailers to analyze millions of interactions every day and ultimately target offers down to every single customer, an experience every marketer dreams of delivering.

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    Chandrima Samanta
    Content-Editor at MartechCube
    Chandrima is a Content management executive with a flair for creating high quality content irrespective of genre. She believes in crafting stories irrespective of genre and bringing them to a creative form. Prior to working for MartechCube she was a Business Analyst with Capgemini.

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