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Content & Experience, Content Marketing

Gladson Launches Product Data Transparency Solution

marketing automation

Gladson, the leading creator and syndicator of product content, digital assets, and rich content for brands, retailers, and distributors, today announced the launch of their enterprise-class SmartLabel solution, allowing brands and retailers to easily provide consumers with rich product transparency.

Led by the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) and Food Marketing Institute (FMI), SmartLabel is a transparency initiative focused on providing consumers with digital access to deeper product information—beyond what is available on the package today, in an easy and standardized format. Sales Automation

“Today’s shoppers not only expect but need transparency about the products they use and consume for dietary restrictions, health situations, and lifestyle choices,” explained Chris Barnes, Gladson’s SVP of Product Strategy & Solutions. “The demand for product transparency, and regulatory mandates, are fueling industry initiatives like SmartLabel, and it’s a big reason why brands and retailers that have implemented SmartLabel have seen growth and increased consumer loyalty during the past year. As a thought leader in the product information space, it is Gladson’s obligation to empower our clients with solutions that address these challenges.”

Gladson’s SmartLabel solution allows brands to easily deliver on the SmartLabel promise by streamlining the process of providing more information to consumers beyond the label. Gladson already has the existing rich product and nutritional information that is required in order to publish to SmartLabel landing pages.  Gladson clients can simply access this rich content library and distribute the same content to new places, like SmartLabel, to answer the product transparency challenge.

As part of the comprehensive approach, Gladson has partnered with Scanbuy, the leading provider of SmartLabel QR codes to the industry. Scanbuy QR codes, found on thousands of food, beverage and healthy and beauty products, enable consumers to engage with brands right from the product packaging—delivering more information than can fit on a label. This strategic partnership gives Gladson clients access to a complete end-to-end SmartLabel solution. Gladson provides detailed product landing pages with images, nutritional data, ingredients, and allergen information, while Scanbuy delivers patent-protected, print-ready QR codes that activate a direct connection to the product’s SmartLabel information via any mobile device or the SmartLabel app.

“We’re proud to partner with Gladson to deliver on the SmartLabel promise,” said Maryann Moschides, Chief Marketing Officer of Scanbuy. “By working together, we can combine their product content platforms with our package activation services to seamlessly help brands and retailers that want to share the benefits of SmartLabel.”

Using Scanbuy’s QR code technology, brands can instantly expand on product information sharing, control variants, and address regulatory mandates as they arise, all without changing the product packaging. Together, Gladson’s new SmartLabel solution with the Scanbuy capabilities, allows both companies to play a greater role in the movement to expand consumer product transparency.

“This partnership with Scanbuy means we get to work with a pioneer that is driving positive change in the industry,” said Barnes. “Through the use of SmartLabel, we are now able to educate our clients even more on how they should be communicating product information to their consumers.”

For more information on Gladson’s SmartLabel solution, click here.

About Gladson

Gladson’s product content, nutritional data, digital asset management, GDSN synchronization, and enhanced content publication solutions enable the most efficient and accurate transfer of product information across the brand, distributor, and retailer global ecosystem. Clients are able to increase in-store and eCommerce sales with Gladson’s detailed and verified product information that helps shoppers in their buying decisions, while its store optimization services enable attractive and effective store and shelf layouts to facilitate the path to purchase.

Gladson’s enterprise-ready digital content feeds eCommerce, space planning, category management, store optimization, marketing, advertising, supply chain, market research, mobile applications, master data management, and other critical business processes. For more information, visit http://www.gladson.com.

About Scanbuy 

Scanbuy is the global leader in developing mobile engagement solutions and services used to empower companies to promote transparency, inspire action, and develop lasting loyalty with consumers. The Scanbuy suite of products consists of cloud-based platforms for engagement, product packaging, marketing, couponing, advertising and much more. Our platforms are used by a wide variety of industries including retail, CPG, electronics and restaurants to create, manage and monitor consumer engagements, manufacturing, supply chain and business processes. To learn more about Scanbuy SmartLabel™ solutions, please visit http://www.scanlife.com/smartlabel.

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