Guest Blogs

Guest Blogs

Decoding Safari’s Latest Update: Implications for Click IDs and Their Role in Marketing Analytics – Is the End Nearing?

Explore the potential impact of Safari's Link Tracking Protection on digital marketing, uncovering the challenges it poses to campaign optimization and strategy development.
Role of Management
Guest Blogs

Role of Management Account in Strategic Planning

What is the Role of Management Accounting in Strategic Planning? How do you make the best possible business decisions, when …
Audience Engagement
Guest Blogs

How Generative AI Pairs with CTV to Fuel Audience Engagement

Connected TV (CTV) ad campaigns appearing on viewers’ screens during streaming content offer a particularly promising path for brands eager …
Language Model Machines
Guest Blogs

2024: The Year of ‘How’ in Analytics

Many companies and organizations currently utilize data analytics to assess their performance and understand customer motivation in an effort to …
RMN data
Guest Blogs

Retail Media Networks are booming – here is how to choose the right network partners in 2024.

Assess RMN's data for campaign optimization: transparent reporting, key data access, and seamless cross-channel tracking. Explore the article for details!
How to host
Guest Blogs

How to host a successful networking event post pandemic

Successful marketers need to have many strings to their bow. One skill that is important, but not talked about often, …
innovative accounting tools
Guest Blogs

What are the Best Practices and Tools for Implementing Innovative Accounting in Marketing?

The integration of accounting and marketing has become indispensable. This is especially true in today’s data-driven business industry. Consumer behavior …
Data Collaboration
Guest Blogs

Data Collaboration Is Getting Harder – Time for an OpenAPI for Data

Just about ten years ago, the OpenAPI spec became a hot topic for programmatic advertisers. Today we use the term …
artificial intelligence
Guest Blogs

Evolving with AI: How Artificial Intelligence is Reshaping Marketing?

From personalizing user experiences to predicting market trends, AI is turning heads, raising eyebrows, and reshaping how we approach marketing. …
Automating CX
Guest Blogs

Leveraging Breakthrough AI and CX Automation Advances to Meet Modern Customer Engagement Challenges

The role and significance of the contact center has shifted and the way organizations approach their contact center infrastructure must …
advertising transparency
Guest Blogs

As Google’s monopoly is called into question, advertisers should embrace decentralisation

In the fast moving world of tech, reaching a 25 year anniversary is no small feat. Since its launch a …