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Understanding Customer Experience in 2022

Customers evolve with time. So does the way to attract them. But in 2022, what is the acronym denoting the golden path for phenomenal customer experience?
customer service experience

In the digital era, anyone and everyone with tech at their fingertips can be your customer. The world population with a mobile device is your market. Brands can sell any service or product that they want. But how do they ensure customer retention and loyalty?

Customer experience is a customer’s journey with various touchpoints of your brand. It can be an advertisement that led them to your website landing page, a customer support call that promised them the confirmation, or even the packaging feedback. 

The quality of all these milestones in a customer’s journey to accessing your product or service constitutes a phenomenal customer experience. The acronym that gives you the golden path is ACTION. 

Here is what it means-

A for Acknowledge Customer Privacy

Data Privacy and security are the top priorities for providing superior CX. With data governance in place, striking a balance between customer privacy and personalization is essential. 77% of U.S. consumers find it difficult to trust what a company says and does.

Losing customer trust is losing customer loyalty. Brands have to learn to use first-party data for better-personalized services and convince customers that they can trust them with their private information.

Transparency should be a core principle of your marketing and sales strategy that will allow the customer to share their stories and feedback. Choose the suitable data management platforms keeping regulatory compliances in mind.

C for Create a Brand Promise

Brands should create an optimistic brand promise that makes the customer aware of all that they can expect from all your company touchpoints.

Only if you keep your promise, do customers trust you and stay loyal to your brand. For designing it, brands should niche down their target audience. Brainstorm with ideas and words you want to emphasize. Keeping it substantial and compelling will get your customers to want to become your partner.

For example, Hubspot promises to help millions of companies grow better. Now, the tagline highlights commitment and hope for the future. Be clear on what they can expect. Disappointing with unpleasant promises won’t do any good.

A brand promise should assure action that invokes emotion, moral and social responsibility. 

T for Technology ensued practice

Technology is changing the landscape of every possible industry. It has and will continue to impact customer experience. Advancements in the video, virtual & augmented reality, robotics, AI, and cryptocurrencies are significant players in customer success.

Industry professionals should understand that technology won’t endanger jobs. Instead, there will be newer skillsets to embrace for better opportunities. Marketing and sales leaders should focus on upskilling and reskilling talent to make the most out of technology.

Omnichannel platforms are here to stay as that’s something customers will expect in the future. With advanced social media platforms, real-time messaging will replace emails. It’s about time you start getting used to change!

I for Instant Gratification for customer loyalty

Loyalty has no shortcuts. Brands need consistency and day-to-day efforts to earn customer loyalty.

Marketing efforts are often based on psychological facts. It’s a human tendency to give in to instant dopamine kicks. And that’s what brands should capture.

Instant gratification means customers tick immediate replies and service. With the internet, smart devices, and automation, this momentary happiness such as same-day shipping, omnichannel brand experiences, and spin-and-win rewards is achievable.

                               Image source: Salesforce

O for On-point Delivery

Delivery is a crucial aspect of customer experience. That’s where it should come to a delightful end. Brands that prioritize agility, speed, and consistency are the ones to easily retain customers. 

Any delays can be compensated with other offerings. The best thing to do in such situations is to buy time and provide value albeit in a parallel way.

A good customer experience impacts the complete value chain of a business. So, it is vital to understand what your customers want and when they want it. It will yield better revenue results and create a positive brand image. 

N for No one-fits-all attitude

Customer engagement strategies are making customer journeys satisfying. 

Customer engagement strategies are making customer journeys satisfying. 

 71 percent of consumers expect companies to deliver personalized interactions. 

True personalization requires consistent omnichannel experiences while you understand customer needs and situations.

A better understanding would yield a better solution. A tailored solution would provide tangible value and results in a shorter time.

To end with

Most customers who have the worst customer experience will lead to negative publicity for your brand. Not only will it do permanent damage but such customers will leave to never come back. 

So, make a good feedback system and encourage customers to pour out suggestions. After all, customer success is nothing but translating intellectual loyalty into emotional loyalty. 

Don’t make your customer wait long for answers. Use technology to get back to them as soon as possible. Remember the acronym ‘ACTION’ when it comes to understanding customer experience in 2022 and years to come!

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