Starting a CDP project is no small task, as it will impact the entire customer experience and the departments responsible for managing that experience. As we discussed in our previous post, choosing a CDP can be a complicated task with so many vendors to evaluate.
To help you out, we’ve created a list of fifteen of the most important questions for you to ask internally and of your prospective vendors before starting a CDP project.
2. Does your organization use more than ten different MarTech vendors (e.g. Facebook, Mailchimp, Optimizely, Adobe, Salesforce, Invoca, Leanplum, etc.)?
3. Does your CDP need to serve both marketing and the rest of the organization that touches on the customer experience?
4. Is your IT team spending cycles on ETL processes or integrating different channels, apps, and data sources together?
5. Are your analysts and data science teams spending more than 20% of their time in data wrangling processes or data preparation?
6. Do additional lines of business (customer service, analytics, IT, finance, operations) need to leverage correlated customer data in their tools and processes?
7. Are you concerned about your organization’s ability to audit your customer data and comply with ever-changing data privacy regulations?
Questions to Ask Prospective CDP Vendors Before Starting a CDP Project
9. What’s the legacy of the company’s CDP offering? Is this CDP technology built natively, or bought through acquisition?
10. How many data sources will this CDP enable me to collect from?
11. Does it integrate into the tools that I’ve already invested in?
12. Does your CDP come with tools, product features, and services to meet the robust privacy data regulations and standards unique to your geography and industry?
13. Can your organization keep pace with the real-time requirements of new technology like facial recognition and IoT?
With a data-first CDP provider that allows you to create a vendor-neutral, independent data layer gives your organization the agility to meet these new requirements. That way you don’t get stuck on someone else’s technology roadmap.
While downtime is a big concern, one area that doesn’t get discussed enough for foundational technologies like a CDP is the pain and costs associated with ripping it out and replacing it. Choosing a data-first CDP that can scale and grow with your business without needing to be replaced as you expand into new geographies or increase how much data you’re processing.
Matthew Berger
Matthew Berger is a content strategist and creator with years of experience helping B2B and B2C companies tell their brand’s stories in every form.