Data Management, Marketing Analytics, Performance & Attribution

Salesforce Incorporates Interaction Studio with Google Analytics 360

Google Analytics 360

In June 2018, Salesforce has integrated with Google Analytics 360 to launch an innovative interaction studio. This has enabled Salesforce to release added features to allow customers to use Marketing, Commerce and Service Clouds. A host of new features is currently added to the service. Here are a few of them

  • A Marketing Cloud integration with Google Analytics 360

This new feature would be available as a beta from next month onwards. It is the final product of the global strategic partnership between Salesforce and Google. This new incorporation would allow marketers to develop aggregated audiences in Analytics 360 platform and then they can direct their ad campaigns in Marketing Cloud.

  • The launch of a new Interaction Studio

This new feature would help the clients in the delivery of services like offers across channels in response to real-time signals about the customers. Now the company can project an offer based on the customer’s behaviour and can automatically co-ordinate it to the customer by any ongoing campaigns like the e-mails. Let us take an example where a customer leaves his shopping cart without buying a product. The latest offer on that product would be coordinated to the customers with the help of Salesforce platform.

  • The launch of native B2B commerce in its Commerce Cloud

This is the result of merging of its latest accession CloudCraze with the Salesforce team. Now a manufacturer can use this Cloud to present consumer-like experiences to their third-party retailers and distributors. The unique features of the B2B commerce include account management, custom catalogues and complex pricing of products.

  • Introduction of Einstein Segmentation and Einstein Splits

This new feature includes the use of machine learning to examine necessary data in the Salesforce data management platform. It helps to find an innovative process to group audience segments for targeting.

 So, these were the new features of the integration of Salesforce with Google Analytics 360.

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